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Omaha Aces

billy the punter

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I got AA three times in an hour when down to two tables in the 11k PLO on Betfair earlier. I played them differently each time, which may be interesting to fellow PLO players.... ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 569482471 ***** PL Omaha $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:7 Blinds(150/300-(no ante)) - Sunday, August 30, 22:00:46 GMT 2009 Imper1um's $11,000 GTD Omaha Challenge #268387 Table 2 9-max (Real Money) Seat 2 is the button Total number of active players : 8 Seat 1: 5189 ( 15,874.71 ) Seat 2: danko02538 ( 6,134.25 ) Seat 3: Harold Boom ( 11,606.26 ) Seat 4: alunj ( 6,170 ) Seat 5: flowerace ( 7,344 ) Seat 6: Hans Gusen ( 4,830 ) Seat 8: mrstardust0 ( 25,083.65 ) Seat 9: pom poy ( 3,665 ) Tourney Level:7 Blinds(150/300-(no ante)) Harold Boom posts small blind [150] alunj posts big blind [300] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Harold Boom [ Ac, As, 6h, 8d ] flowerace folds Hans Gusen raises to [960] mrstardust0 calls [960] pom poy folds 5189 folds danko02538 calls [960] Harold Boom raises to [5,100] alunj folds Hans Gusen calls [3,870] Hans Gusen goes all-in mrstardust0 calls [4,140] danko02538 calls [4,140] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Jh, 6d, Qd ] Harold Boom checks mrstardust0 goes all-in mrstardust0 bets [19,983.65] danko02538 calls [1,034.25] danko02538 goes all-in Harold Boom folds Returning uncalled bet [18,949.40] to mrstardust0 ** Showdown ** danko02538 shows [ Ts, 6s, 9s, 7d ] Hans Gusen shows [ Js, Kd, Qc, Ad ] mrstardust0 shows [ Jc, 7c, 9d, Td ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 8c ] ** Dealing River ** [ Kc ] ** Hand Conclusion ** danko02538 wins 1,439.25 from side pot #1 with a straight, King to Nine mrstardust0 wins 1,439.25 from side pot #1 with a straight, King to Nine danko02538 wins 9,810 from main pot with a straight, King to Nine mrstardust0 wins 9,810 from main pot with a straight, King to Nine ************ Game 569482471 ends ************ Didn't really like the way I played this hand. mrstardust is a calling station so wasn't gonna raise initially, I'm OOP and unsuited AA68 isn't that great. However once danko called the original raise I felt I could raise enough to get it heads up all-in with the original raiser. However, all three players called my 5k reraise. There was no way I was getting tied to them after that. ---- ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 569491466 ***** PL Omaha $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:8 Blinds(200/400-(no ante)) - Sunday, August 30, 22:19:58 GMT 2009 Imper1um's $11,000 GTD Omaha Challenge #268387 Table 2 9-max (Real Money) Seat 3 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: Mikki33 ( 22,440.87 ) Seat 2: danko02538 ( 3,334.25 ) Seat 3: Harold Boom ( 13,962.52 ) Seat 4: alunj ( 16,390 ) Seat 5: flowerace ( 6,144 ) Seat 6: Boollean ( 22,871 ) Seat 7: LuckyFuckr ( 15,300.01 ) Seat 8: mrstardust0 ( 32,197.10 ) Seat 9: pom poy ( 12,580 ) Tourney Level:8 Blinds(200/400-(no ante)) alunj posts small blind [200] flowerace posts big blind [400] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Harold Boom [ Ad, 8c, 9d, As ] Boollean calls [400] LuckyFuckr folds mrstardust0 folds pom poy folds Mikki33 folds danko02538 folds Harold Boom calls [400] alunj calls [200] flowerace checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 8h, 9s ] alunj checks flowerace checks Boollean checks Harold Boom bets [800] alunj folds flowerace calls [800] Boollean folds ** Dealing Turn ** [ Kd ] flowerace checks Harold Boom bets [3,200] flowerace folds Returning uncalled bet [3,200] to Harold Boom ** Hand Conclusion ** Harold Boom wins 3,200 from main pot ************ Game 569491466 ends ************ This is how I should've played them in hand 1. Despite being on the button I just flat called, choosing to keep the pot small, enabling "play" post-flop. It's also a great disguise if I do hit trips. On a (straight)draw heavy flop I didn't wanna bet big and encouraging the all-in move from my drawing opponents. I also didn't want to check my two pair, a check may cause my opponent to bet the turn on a semi-bluff and then be priced in when I reraise. I felt betting small would be ideal, they will want to see a cheap turn, the pot isn't big enough for them to try and steal (pre-flop pot control paying off), and I can hope for a brick on the turn and shut him out then. Which is exactly what happened. ------- ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 569511450 ***** PL Omaha $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:11 Blinds(600/1,200-(no ante)) - Sunday, August 30, 22:59:52 GMT 2009 Imper1um's $11,000 GTD Omaha Challenge #268387 Table 2 9-max (Real Money) Seat 6 is the button Total number of active players : 6 Seat 1: Mikki33 ( 22,165.12 ) Seat 3: Harold Boom ( 13,337.52 ) Seat 5: flowerace ( 6,913 ) Seat 6: Boollean ( 17,357 ) Seat 7: LuckyFuckr ( 34,800.02 ) Seat 8: mrstardust0 ( 41,878.59 ) Tourney Level:11 Blinds(600/1,200-(no ante)) LuckyFuckr posts small blind [600] mrstardust0 posts big blind [1,200] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Harold Boom [ 5c, Ah, 6c, As ] Mikki33 calls [1,200] Harold Boom folds flowerace folds Boollean folds LuckyFuckr folds mrstardust0 checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3c, Ks, Td ] mrstardust0 checks Mikki33 bets [3,000] mrstardust0 folds Returning uncalled bet [3,000] to Mikki33 ** Hand Conclusion ** Mikki33 wins 3,000 from main pot ************ Game 569511450 ends ************ It's a pretty aggressive table, many keep to shove it in pre-flop, something I really didn't want to do. We were close to the button here (11 left) and cashing was the priortiy. With an early limper and the loosest player in the BB a pot-bet would be called 100%. Calling (9% of my stack) wasn't an option either. With an off-suit 65 with them I felt it was best to just throw my aces away, even though there had been no raise. A good decision I feel and I would've passed on the 3KT rainbow flop. ------- I think I made a mess of hand 1 (although many will say there is nothing wrong with reraising with aces), but very pleased with hand 2 and 3. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Don't forget this was a tournament, cash would be a very different story.

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Re: Omaha Aces :clap Spot on IMHO ........ I didn't even see an ace in the 1 and 3/4 hours I was playing ..... :sad ..so no real hands to discuss .... but I played my 10 7 3 2 hand perfect .....:rollin. Wd again for reaching FT. Interesting that LuckyFcker got to heads up I think ..... he got so lucky vs Dangero early on ..... Dangero at least had a pair and re-raised all in QQxx and LF called him all in with AQ98 i think .... and hit an ace .... a crazy play at the time :( .... It wasn't like he was pot commited .... just a mad F I nni S H guy ......

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Re: Omaha Aces I would have flat called from the sb Bill I tend to do this a lot OOP. Not a lot wrong in getting half your stack in though but that flop was a real disaster and it was areally disciplined fold as hans Gusen and Danko are already allin (Danko just 1k left) and so you would be up against MrStardust for the sidepot. Hand 2 I like the way you played it as like you said if you bet big you get check raised by a big drawing hand. Hand 3 again a very disciplined fold as bad aces are a fcuker of a hand to play. Very tempting to limp though and if reraised just get it in but like you said it's on the bubble so probably the right decision.

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Re: Omaha Aces yeah i'm just calling hand 1 in a lot of situations (early pos + not the greatest backup)but with the pot being large already due to multiple callers i can see why you would pot it.you dont really expect 3 callers but once you get em and stardust pushes you gotta fold:\ hand 2 i might have raised but not heavily(maybe 2.5-3 bbs)build the pot a bit(but not so it becomes uncontrollable) and hope for either a reraise or a hu pot vs the limper. i'd have done the same on the flop,get enough in so you can make their descision a hard one on the turn if it does brick. hand 3 i might have played differently dependant on the payout structure,if just itm was a lot different to top 5 then i would have bet pot, if it wasn't so steep then i may have folded,i definately wouldnt be flat calling:ok

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Re: Omaha Aces Hand 1: I find this hand really interesting because of Hans Gusen stacksize. When he raises 960 preflop from that position we cant expect him to raise-fold a lot with all the dead money in the middle. We can only expect Hans Gusen to fold KKxx hands, wich is not a big part of his range, if he calls AI he will price the other guys in. So in this spot it seems like you are getting a mulitway pot, no matter if you raise the pot preflop or not, as strange as it may sound. Therefore I like a call better. Im not sure how I would play it after the flop on different boards tho. Since you will be first to act this is a tricky spot. On this flop I would have obv check/folded. Hand 2: I really like a pot size raise preflop here. If you limp you will always be playing a 4 way pot postflop and your hand plays best heads up. Raise here and you will be playing heads up with the best position with the best hand and with the lead in the hand. A GREAT situation to be in. Hand 3: I really like a pot size raise preflop here also. You say that the BB will call 100%, I wasnt playing at the table so I cant really say, but I belive that he wont call as much in this situation because the UTG guy could limp-raise here a lot and that would force the BB to call/fold preflop. Even if they both just call preflop thats not the end of the world, you will have the power of position postflop. ofcourse ther wont be much play postflop, you will put it in on a flop you like and fold on the once you hate. But you still get to see what your oppents does before its your turn to act.

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