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Played a hand last night where I was in BB with 3k chips and dealt 99, UTG had 9k chips and went AI. 7 players folded round to me. Blinds were 50/100, so plenty play left for me to be able to fold this hand and move on. I thought about it briefly and thought as UTG had lost 15k in 4 hands, and used timebank before deciding to go AI that he could very well be behind. I decided to trust my instinct here and called. Sure enough, he turns over 88 and although racing, Im reasonabely well ahead as I we have the same suits as well. Question is, how often do you trust your own instincts to call/shove? or because the maths dont add up for you, do you auto fold in similar situations?

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Re: Instincts I think instincts should play a big part in how you play, just last night i was thinking about a pro's comment (i think greg raymer) who said the human race has an inbuilt survival mechanism known as our gut instinct so in those times when we really aren't sure what to do going with our gut instinct can never be too bad. I can see where he's coming from although a bit OTT. For me i've learned (the hard way) that it's best to just play your own game that you're comfortable with because the key i've found is that it's not about how you play, poker is about how others react to how you play. So if you start playing an uncomfortable style you lose that instinct where you know how others are reacting to your play, you're uncomfortable and all of a sudden everything seems 10x harder. But knowing how people react to your style only comes with experience.

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Re: Instincts Instinct is what you use to put your opponents on a range of cards. Maths enables you to decide what to do when you know what range your opponent has. If you play with good instinct but dont use maths, then you will often be right in your judgement about what your opponent holds but may still be losing money because you make the wrong decisions given that information. If you play with good maths, but lack the instinct to accurately put your opponent on a narrow range, then you probably lose because you make the right decisions on what you think your opponent is holding, but then get shocked when he turns over something else! If you want to be a good poker player you need to develop the instincts and understand the maths. Neglect either at your peril. If you know that you are an 80% favourite, but fold pre flop because your gut instinct is that you will get outdrawn, then you are making a big mistake! (in all but pretty rare tournament situations). If you call all in, getting odds of say 5-4, on a 1-4 shot, then you are making a profit in tournament chips (regardless of the result of the immediate cash flow involved in this hand!)

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Re: Instincts

Instinct is what you use to put your opponents on a range of cards. Maths enables you to decide what to do when you know what range your opponent has. If you play with good instinct but dont use maths, then you will often be right in your judgement about what your opponent holds but may still be losing money because you make the wrong decisions given that information. If you play with good maths, but lack the instinct to accurately put your opponent on a narrow range, then you probably lose because you make the right decisions on what you think your opponent is holding, but then get shocked when he turns over something else! If you want to be a good poker player you need to develop the instincts and understand the maths. Neglect either at your peril. If you know that you are an 80% favourite, but fold pre flop because your gut instinct is that you will get outdrawn, then you are making a big mistake! (in all but pretty rare tournament situations). If you call all in, getting odds of say 5-4, on a 1-4 shot, then you are making a profit in tournament chips (regardless of the result of the immediate cash flow involved in this hand!)
Pretty much what I was going to say, but explained much better :ok
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