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early hand from 18k


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Playing a hand from tonight's 18k on bfair - 1st level. Been very quiet seen nothing still on around 2,400 out of starting 2.500. In sb (10/20) get Ks5s - 4 limpers, i call Flop comes Qs6h5h table checks Turn comes 4s I lead out for 60 and get 2 callers. River comes 3s I bet out 240 1 caller Button moves all in for 2,200.:@ What do I do?

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Re: early hand from 18k Call, you've got the 2nd nuts, if he has you beat unlucky, but it's definitely a +ev call. Without knowing anything about the player, to fold you have to put him on Axs. He can't have AKs, AQs, A4s or A3s. You would imagine that most players would be raising AJs and ATs preflop. So that leaves just A9s-A5s, which is just such a narrow range, compared to what he could be doing this with. Which is any lower flush, 78, a 7 even, a set.

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Re: early hand from 18k you are so right Dave and your analysis is spot on - I cant believe it is total role reversal from the hand you were talking about on the cash tables a couple of weeks ago, and I said you had to call! Obviously I folded and it really affected my play to the extent i made a really bad play against the same player - totally overplaying jj v kk albeit on a 10 high board. I was so confused by his play that I thought maybe he was playing AsXs. Having only put 300 chips into the pot I didnt think I HAD to play the hand but in hindsight it was totally the wrong move. I didnt have any info on him but having seen how he played afterwards then it would have been an insta call. It also showed me that you have to "grow some balls" even when running bad bad bad! I cant tell you the amount of times people have hit 3 outers on betfair against me over the last week. It does begin to get you down after awhile, and you begin to expect the worst. This was a classic example in my mind of just playing way too defensive. It should have been a snap call and I would almost certainly have been doubling up. The otehr thing that got me was the timebank was just flipping 10 seconds! It really f**ked me off that in such a relatively big buy in tourney i got just 10seconds to make a decision. On fulltilt and many other poker rooms I would have got atleast 30" and I think in that time I could have worked out there was no freaking way he had AsXs!!! Thanks for you input - you are undoubtedly right - so frustrating!

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