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anyone else missing the old PL tourneys we used to have


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i do, i miss the banter we all used to have in our regular near nightly games. especially Washman`s push all ins on a flush chance and Morls,i am protecting my blinds with any 2 cards....i even miss the 7/2o battles i had with Gaf... sigh,,,how times have changed :sad

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Re: anyone else missing the old PL tourneys we used to have

i even miss the 7/2o battles i had with Gaf...
Battles? I thought they were massacres? As if you ever stood a chance against 72o :tongue2 I think it probably changed as we all started multitabling more (at least thats the difference for me) - there just isn't the same focus on one table any more - even when it's a PL game....
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Re: anyone else missing the old PL tourneys we used to have It doesn't help that the chat boxes seem to be so small/difficult to follow these days. iPoker sites are normally great with the side chat window up, but the colours on Circus make it quite difficult to pick out the chat. Some of the other sites are dire - you get about 3 lines in the window and when you try to scroll back it constantly updates and takes you back to the end. Maybe we should have a Bingo night.

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Re: anyone else missing the old PL tourneys we used to have I miss them too, was thinking this the other day. It was so much simpler then with games pretty much limited to Prima sites or Boss Media. Personally, I think that there are too many sites to choose from nowadays and I would rather play on Boss all the time and be done with it. The only reason I play on Circus is for the PL games, wouldn't be there otherwise :tongue2 Bring back the good old days :clap

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