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NL200 6max - AKs OOP vs LAG (missed flop)


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Villain is unknown, no stats, his style is pretty LAG in 20 hands iPoker (Bet365) $200.00 NL - 6 players SB $195.40 BB $172.00 Hero $335.50 MP $363.00 CO $192.50 BTN $173.00 Pre Flop ($3.00) Hero is UTG with Aheart.gif Kheart.gif Hero raises to $7, MP raises to $21, CO fold, BTN fold, SB fold, BB fold, Hero raises to $68, MP call Flop ($139) 4spade.gif 7diamond.gif Qspade.gif Hero? cbet (size)? o c/f?

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Re: NL200 6max - AKs OOP vs LAG (missed flop) Even though i actually hate doing it i force myself to cbet and definitely think it's best to cbet this flop purely for metagame. You've 4bet (although deep) so to 4bet then c/f the dry flop is giving opponents way too much license to run over you in the future. At least if you b/f you put villain to a decision and leave your mark in their mind that you might have had a hand or you might have been bluffing so they'll be left guessing about your style a lot more than if you just c/f IMO. The pot's nearly $100 so i'd stick in around $80 at least as it gives you a lot of fold equity and makes it even more so look like you really have a big hand so you fold out a few small PPs, AK as well and you have equity so there's definite value in betting.

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Re: NL200 6max - AKs OOP vs LAG (missed flop) Yeah, you have to c-bet here. However, I prefer a smaller pre-flop 4-bet though, something like $45, rather than 4-betting 3x. You're still going to be able to get all the cash in, but you'll save yourself quite a bit if you have to bet/fold the flop. ($23 before the flop and then you'll only be c-betting and probably a c-bet of around $65 instead of $100, so total saving of over $50). There doesn't really seem to be much point in 4-betting so big.

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Re: NL200 6max - AKs OOP vs LAG (missed flop) The 4bet size is fine if he has the intention of getting all the money in pre-flop. I agree if we're 4betting with the intention of folding to a 5bet then betting smaller is better, but then if that's our thought we shouldn't 4bet it but call. Also we might as well have 72o if we're intending to 4bet/fold. I also agree with 4bettiing smaller to make the cbet cheaper. But your recommended 4bet size of $45 is tiny and is just over a min-reraise so they're never folding anything this deep that they're 3betting so you're value cutting yourself a lot with such a small 4bet IMO as we don't narrow down their range at all. The normal rules are the deeper you are the larger you raise pre-flop so i think it's ok.

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Re: NL200 6max - AKs OOP vs LAG (missed flop) Ok, thanks for yours response and help :) IMO 4bet size is pretty standard, i hate 4bet 2x or "gay" raise my action in this spot: vs know/regoular player (good read + stats) i cbet approximately 1/2 pot (when i 4bet) and 3/4 pot (when i 3bet). vs unknown player if i miss the flop i prefer c/f in this spot c/f is pretty good/standard for me because i don't think that villain fold 1 street with TT/JJ (min. range for call 4bet here) and moreover I do not know if he slowplay monsters hand :unsure :unsure agree? i hate play out of position...

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