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Bad Players Rewarded


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Was going well in the Betfair tonight, when yet another bad player gets rewarded.....Dont think i have done anything wrong here, player has been lag and been all in 2 o/3 times since i sat at his table. NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:11 Blinds(250/500-50 ante) - Thursday, August 13, 22:10:26 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #268980 Table 3 9-max (Real Money) Seat 2: deemer66 ( 44,332.25 ) Seat 3: Knallan ( 23,461.26 ) Seat 4: Thunder79 ( 10,501.33 ) Seat 5: ireneg ( 11,563.64 ) Button: 5hortstak ( 17,982.51 ) SB: murrdpoker ( 7,603.50 ) BB: HWBofABC ( 13,560.58 ) Seat 9: hectorcr ( 8,434.21 ) Tourney Level:11 Blinds(250/500-50 ante) HWBofABC posts ante [50] hectorcr posts ante [50] deemer66 posts ante [50] Knallan posts ante [50] Thunder79 posts ante [50] ireneg posts ante [50] 5hortstak posts ante [50] murrdpoker posts ante [50] murrdpoker posts small blind [250] HWBofABC posts big blind [500] Preflop: 5hortstak is dealt A, J hectorcr folds, deemer66 folds, Knallan folds, Thunder79 folds, ireneg folds, 5hortstak raises to 1,375, murrdpoker folds, HWBofABC calls 875 Flop: J, 5, T 1 checks, 5hortstak bets 3,400, HWBofABC raises all in 12,135.58, 5hortstak calls 8,735.58 **Showdown** 5hortstak shows A, J HWBofABC shows T, 7 Turn: 3 River: 7 :puke HWBofABC wins 27,671.16 from main pot with two pair, Tens and Sevens

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Re: Bad Players Rewarded

This would tie in nicely with my conspiracy theory. IMO it was not a human you were playing' date=' it was in fact the software of the site, thus it already knew the outcome of the hand.[/quote'] I'm sorry mate, but that IMO is bollocks. Betfair are intentionally screwing some players over? Why would they even need to for a start?
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Re: Bad Players Rewarded

This would tie in nicely with my conspiracy theory. IMO it was not a human you were playing' date=' it was in fact the software of the site, thus it already knew the outcome of the hand.[/quote'] I think the reputation of Betfair and the trust of their customers would be to precious for them to endanger that for a few thousand (or even a few million).
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Re: Bad Players Rewarded

I think the reputation of Betfair and the trust of their customers would be to precious for them to endanger that for a few thousand (or even a few million).
On occasions like this I always check the players final position and their sharkscope stats. 99 times out of a 100 the bomb spectacularly before the final table and dont cash. And they either have never ending downward graphs on sharkscope or have only played one or two games with no success. Interestingly however the player here has disabled his sharkscope stats.Tell me he won and you have your smoking gun;)
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Re: Bad Players Rewarded

Sorry but Betfair "might" be one of the biggest bunch of crooks on-line. The reputation of betfair and the trust of their customers is of little concern to any low paid employee with the opportunity to make a quick buck for himself. Betfair is not run by "Sir Johnny Betfair" its run by a multitude of separate employees any of whom might have it with in their nature to accept "monies" by means other than good honest endeavor. Christ we cant trust our elected mp's and you think a bunch of money making city slickers are above suspicion.
Whaaaat? Way too much paranoia in here. Even if their were "dodgy employees", how the hell would they be able to effect the end result? I'm pretty sure they don't just leave super-user account names and passwords scattered around the Betfair offices.
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Re: Bad Players Rewarded The idea of the HH was just to point out that how bad players play even at a $100 game, to them it may not be much - but firstly why is the guy calling with 10 7 suited out of position and then to follow that with a pot size bet from myself he goes all in. Pure stupidity from the player, i went out two hands later when all in with AKs the guy called again so did another, villain (idiot) had Q 10 this time but my AK was no match for KK. Wasnt posting it for a bad beat sh*t happens and please no conspiracy theories all a load of bo**ocks that too Any one thinking of moving up levels it will always happen - so dont be afraid.

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Re: Bad Players Rewarded He is getting 3-1 on suited connectors makes some connection with the pot and tries to (in his opinion) semi-bluff you off the hand. I would have raised more because the antes are giving players better pot odds. I am seeing this more and more on other sites and its enough to put you on tilt. Having said all that, it was a sh!t play, sh!t happens, donkeys get rewarded (why else would they play). Type in nice hand and move on. But next time raise more :)

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Re: Bad Players Rewarded Bad Players get rewarded EVERYWHERE. The poker softwares make millions of dollars a year and are not concerned with the cents we play, it is just a drop of water in the ocean. This is from Party Poker 20 minutes ago (Im not complaining of the badbeat, just making a point) And as RIVRD said, there are donks at any level, but the donks at the higher levels are more agressive #Game No : 8332438329 ***** Hand History for Game 8332438329 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $2 USD Buy-in Trny:47015807 Level:24 Blinds-Antes(60.000/120.000 -3.000) - Friday, August 14, 22:20:41 EDT 2009 Table $2K Gtd Rebuy (1732150) Table #1 (Real Money) Seat 2 is the button Total number of players : 2 Seat 8: chatoman78 ( 1,868,589 ) Seat 2: floco6 ( 4,051,911 ) Trny:47015807 Level:24 Blinds-Antes(60.000/120.000 -3.000) floco6 posts ante [3,000] chatoman78 posts ante [3,000] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to chatoman78 [ Ah Ks ] floco6 raises [420,000] chatoman78 raises [1,440,000] floco6 raises [2,160,000] chatoman78 is all-In [305,589] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3d, 5d, 3s ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Tc ] ** Dealing River ** [ 7c ] floco6 shows [ Th, Kh ]two pairs, Tens and Threes. chatoman78 shows [ Ah, Ks ]a pair of Threes. floco6 wins 774,411 chips from the side pot 1 with two pairs, Tens and Threes. floco6 wins 3,737,178 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Tens and Threes. Congratulations to player floco6 for winning tournament $2K Gtd Rebuy Player chatoman78 finished in 2 place and received $412.38 USD Player floco6 finished in 1 place and received $736.68 USD

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Re: Bad Players Rewarded

Simply not true. Sometimes bad beats happen. They happen live too. If poker websites were not fair' date=' the vast amount of tracking software would pick it up (like they did in the past with UB and AP scandals).[/quote'] Exactly, thats what i meant, that badbeats and suckouts happens everywhere, theres no cheating involved, theres no conspiracy against us players, its all about percentages.
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Re: Bad Players Rewarded

There are certain players on here' date=' who when they are raising and re-raising pre-flop [b']I take notice and unless Im sitting with a premium pair, I will insta fold.
Premium hands eh ! Now the history with the next hand here was that earlier i had got my self shortstacked Knallan (villan) had made a smallish raise when i pushed all in with 10 10 to pick up the pot but had 4 callers :loon So villan actually had a genuine had with KK i hit a set a quadrupled up. From that hand onwards villan was raising pre every other hand, going all in etc etc. but was clearly out to get me, not just against me i hasten to add. Now after the flop you may say i played the hand bandly, but tbh there is no way i am putting him on his hand he had. NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Friday, August 14, 20:11:36 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #269091 Table 9 9-max (Real Money) Seat 1: 5hortstak ( 4,058.25 ) Button: koule ( 9,726.24 ) SB: weasey ( 6,405 ) BB: poker 111 ( 2,030 ) Seat 5: Mrgard ( 2,050 ) Seat 6: aspirant ( 2,097.50 ) Seat 7: pocho ( 3,770 ) Seat 8: Knallan ( 2,945.75 ) Seat 9: tigerv3 ( 2,565 ) Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) weasey posts small blind [50] poker 111 posts big blind [100] Preflop: 5hortstak is dealt A, A Mrgard folds, aspirant calls 100, pocho folds, Knallan calls 100, tigerv3 folds, 5hortstak raises to 400, koule folds, weasey folds, poker 111 folds, aspirant calls 300, Knallan calls 300 Flop: 2, 8, 8 2 checks, 5hortstak bets 1,012.50, aspirant folds, Knallan raises all in 2,545.75, 5hortstak calls 1,533.25 **Showdown** 5hortstak shows A, A Knallan shows 8, J Turn: 7 River: Q Knallan wins 6,441.50 from main pot with three of a kind, Eights
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Re: Bad Players Rewarded Read earlier post, he is getting 4-1 with suited connectors, gets lucky and gets you to stack off. It's a trade off between raising enough to get one caller and only picking up the blinds. I think you didnt do anything wrong just got unlucky.

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