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How did I do?


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Hi all, I've only just started playing real money poker, so please try not to laugh to hard when you see this example... It's still relativley early in an online 10 seat SnG, with a $0.50+$0.10 buy in. Blinds are 30/60 with no ante's Stacks are Seat 1 - $980 Seat 2 - $2,190 Seat 3 - $2,740 Seat 4 - $1,550 Seat 5 - $1,950 Seat 6 - $2,030 Seat 8 (Me) - $1,420 Seat 9 - $2,140 We've already lost seat 7 and seat 10. Most pots until this stage were active with limpers. Very few raises around from any position and mostly with off-suit picture cards and low suited connectors from the ones that I saw. I had folded every hand until this one. Seat 3's SB and seat 4's BB. Seat 5 and Seat 6 fold. I hold As, Qs. I figure this is a fairly good hand to start with, especially at a loose table. I raise to about 6 times the big blind ($400 to be exact) to flush out the rubbish that may be tempted to limp in or call a small raise. Seat 9 and Seat 1 fold, and Seat 2 on the button calls. Flop comes 5c, Kh, 4h. Not an ideal flop for me, but one that probably missed him too (He's been active in most pots, and called some raises.) My thinking was this: His call pre-flop meant he thought his hand was strong, but wasn't a premium pair. I didn't really have him on AK either as I think he would have re-raised it pre-flop. I had him most likely on a pair, probably JJ or down to 88 (maybe even lower), but I was worried the K and the 2 hearts on the board, so I made a continuation bet of $450, about half the pot, to take the pot odds away from a drawing hand. He then re-raised to $900. This threw me somewhat - I was possibly expecting a call, but not a re-raise! I figured that I had him wrong, and eventually folded the hand (which he didn't show). 3 questions I have about this really: 1) Was my intial pre-flop bet too aggressive? 2) Should I have checked the flop rather than bet, or even made a pot-sized (or stronger) bet) 3) Should I have called his re-raise and see if my hand held up?

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Re: How did I do? 1) Yes, it's a pretty big and you'll end up getting pot-committed too often with marginal hands this way. This is a prime example, a horrible situation, you have put in 33% of your stack preflop with a marginal hand and playing out of position. 3, 3.5, or 4 times the blind would be better. 2) A call of a over-raise such as yours needs to be respected, so a check wouldn't be the worst play in the world, c-bets are definitely not compulsary for me. If you had only raised 180/200 preflop, you could have made a much cheaper continuation bet and got the info cheaper. 3) Definitely not. You're beat and have little chance to improve. No one is going to bluff a small stack that has already put plenty in the pot, therefore you are beat and drawing thin. :ok

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Re: How did I do? We all started somewhere - so no-one is going to laugh at you :ok If you've only just started and are considering all the details you posted, then I think you're doing very well :ok My views on your 3 questions: 1) I think the bet is too big. Your bet is good at reducing the implied odds you are offering, which isn't a bad thing at low stakes, however your hand is only ace high (without top kicker) and will miss the flop more often than it hits it. Your position is not good (3 off the button) - so any action you get is likely to leave you out of position post flop. Your larger bet reduces the chances of a call (which is good out of position), but, IMO commits too many of your chips (nearly 30% and about 65% when you add in an almost compulsory cbet) without a great hand and without great position. The blinds are still relatively low, so you still have some time. I think a more standard raise is better here of about 4xBB (raise to 240), maybe even 3.5xBB. Sure you'll get callers, but often it will be with worse hands and worse aces, and you're not too unhappy for people to tag along with hands you dominate. 2) Because of the level of this game, because players find it very difficult to fold anything and because players will often give you free cards, I dont think it's bad to avoid a cbet here. If the pot were smaller (and you could get away from it healthier) then a cbet wouldn't be too bad (you're representing the Ace,King). Given the size of the pot, and the damage a cbet does to you, I think a check is the better play (it's somewhat passive - which generally isnt good - but you need to adjust your game to your opponents). 3) You are only beating a complete bluff - even if he is making a total bluff, you're not that far ahead. He's basically put you all in here - you're getting good pot odds, but not large enough I think for the frequency you will win the hand. I think you have to fold.

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Re: How did I do? I will only answer #3, Im not qualified (or good enough) to attempt the first 2. You are folding the weaker hand IMO, and therefore doing the right thing. You still have some chips to play with in folding. Most likely he has hit a set with the 4's or 5's hence the instant re-raise putting you all in.

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Re: How did I do? Agree completely with what has already been said fella. As played, I think you have to fold it. Just a quick mention, it obviously depends completely on your bankroll but it's worth noting that $0.50+10c tourneys have you paying 20% rake! It may not seem like a large amount but it definitely adds up and, without you realising, it can change you ROI quite dramatically. As said, it depends on your bankroll entirely and whether or not you are playing purely for enjoyment or the possiblity of making some $$$, but I would recommend getting some form or rakeback (if you don't already!) or even just trying to find a site that has 10% rake at the micro-stakes SNGs, for example, Virgin has $1.00+10c games. These small things all add up! :lol As GaF said, considering you have only just started out, you are doing exceptionally well to take notice of all these factors during your games! You will often see players do redonkulous things at these stakes and it can get frustrating but stick with it and you'll be climbing up the stakes in no time! :D

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