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GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva

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Note: The field is only 36 deep making these bets tremendous E/W value Trophy Du golf De Geneva Betting With the USPGA Championships taking control of the golfing schedule this week, there's no alternative European tour or PGA Tour event but there is a little matter of a very important event in the form of the Trophee du Golf de Geneve in Switzerland. It's a 36 strong field in a shootout to get their card off the challenge tour to have full rights to the main European tour next year, as the challenge tour winds down. Eduardo Molinari, brother of Francesco is currently in pole position. The Course is very short at less than 6,800 yards but is still a test. Course record is 62, set by Alex Noren and fellow Swede Martin Erlandsson. It is a treelined track. FREE Trophee du Golf de Geneve picks: -1.25pts E/W Jose Filipe Lima @ 28/1 places 1-4 (skybet) Coming off the back of a top 5 last week, capable of going low and 1 of the better talents on the Challenge tour this year. Very big price considering the field is only 36 deep. -1.25pts E/W Robert Coles E/W @ 20/1 (skybet) Also coming off the back of a top 5 last week, Coles lead the challenge tour for a while and is looking to regain top spot

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva Never had such a take down in all my time. had a ton EW on Coles @ 20/1. Came back this morning and was totally blown away to discover that a guy with the tournament at his mercy retires after 3 holes of the third round. I mean, of all the players in Golf throughout the world, why does it fall on him? This guy shoots -15 for 2 rounds and then retires. All I can say is I hope it was more than a broken finger nail that forced his retirement. I take it that you had money on him as well Value. Sometimes you get a severe boot in the in the rockies, this was one to beat all:@

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva I'm actually disgusted. He arguably had the tournament in the bag. Whilst I can't find out the exact circumstances, I can't help but smell a rat. That price of 20/1 was a SERIOUS error on behalf of the bookmakers, I'd say nthey stood to lose an awful lot of money. Maybe coles got a strange phonecall. I thought I'd seen it all in golf but never in all my days have I seen a runaway leader of a tournament retire. And what makes it worse is that I actually tried to trade him in after 36 holes but the exchanges weren't taking bets on it.

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva With you all the way on that one Value. reading a book at the momment, where the head detectives catchphrase is "when investigating a crime, there's no no such thing as a coincidence" There is so much money in sports betting these days that corruption is happening with out a doubt. If he plays next week then I would say you may well have a very strong case. My sympathy is with you Better luck with the PGA. Erin Go Bragh

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva With two wins in the bag already this season the chances of Coles withdrawing for any reason other than injury is ridiculous.If you knew how little money was taken on Challenge Tour events you would realise how farcical your suggestions are.

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva It's not exactly a suggestion, just a thought. It wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened in the betting world. I don't believe it is actually what happened but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it was. Jackie, I emailed in to the bookie I had the bet with and they gave me a 'good will' free bet equivalent to my stake if you want to do the same. Play dumb and pretend you still expect to get paid.:ok

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva Thanks for the tip Value, I'll give it a shot. Havn't heard any news on the injury. This wouldn't be the first time I've seen a post completley dismissing the possibillity (more chance of finding life on the moon) of any sort of foul play in professional sport. Strangely enough it's always someone who has lost nothing on the said event. Ps what did you say to your bookie to get the stake back?

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva I didn't say that this sort of thing didn't happen - it certainly does in some sports but in this instance with the amount of money at stake - ie a win for Coles would give him his Euro card (worth a lot of money) and the fact that the liabilities on him with all bookmakers amounting to less than £10k then the suggestion is laughable.

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva And by the same token, every time something like this happens it always has to be suspicious and foul play and it can't be accepted that there's an injury. He isn't going to pull out for no reason if a win promotes him back to the European Tour which has some lucrative events coming up, certainly more than the 10,000 Euros he'd have got here, and the suggestion that he walked off because a bookie contacted him is totally laughable. It's unfortunate and I sympathise but to suggest all this nonsense is wrong IMO.

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva Well, if I woke at 4.00 a.m. in my hotel room to find a big Russian pointing a broom handled mauser in my face and offering me 4 X the prize money to retire injured after a full English (or Swiss) breakfast (after he's laid the hole off me on the exchanges), I know what I'll be saying to the breakfast waiter: "extra sausage please". I know that that's happened on other occasions so I don't have a problem with such suggestions.

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva

I didn't say that this sort of thing didn't happen - it certainly does in some sports but in this instance with the amount of money at stake - ie a win for Coles would give him his Euro card (worth a lot of money) and the fact that the liabilities on him with all bookmakers amounting to less than £10k then the suggestion is laughable.
p.s. what about the exchanges? Typically hundreds of thousands if not millions traded in such events.
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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva

I didn't say that this sort of thing didn't happen - it certainly does in some sports but in this instance with the amount of money at stake - ie a win for Coles would give him his Euro card (worth a lot of money) and the fact that the liabilities on him with all bookmakers amounting to less than £10k then the suggestion is laughable.
Mate, myself and people I know alone staked more than 10k on him(all together) but your point is very valid about the Euro Tour card.
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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva

Where did you get an exact figure like 10k from?
Was looking at the wrong tournament :$. The difference between him winning and pulling out was 20k, which still wouldn't be anything like he could win on the main tour.
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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva

p.s. what about the exchanges? Typically hundreds of thousands if not millions traded in such events.
Unfortunately, not on the exchanges as I'd have layed him off after round 2 and wouldn't have cared what happened;) Jackie, my email was along the lines of: "Since Robert Coles pretty much had the tournament in the bag before retiring, what happens to my bet? I presume you will be paying out on the 36 hole leader market for him" :lol
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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva Kev, I think the 10k he was referring to was in terms of the amount of money that was staked on Coles. Anyway let's draw a line under it, I was fuming when I 'suggested' it. For all we know, he could have hita rock while swinging and broke his wrist.

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva

I didn't say that this sort of thing didn't happen - it certainly does in some sports but in this instance with the amount of money at stake - ie a win for Coles would give him his Euro card (worth a lot of money) and the fact that the liabilities on him with all bookmakers amounting to less than £10k then the suggestion is laughable.
I really hate to contradict a "pro gambler" (by the way, what is that? Someone who spins the bottle before deciding which whore he is paying for?) but I've asked two mates who work for different betting firms about stakes on Coles and their joint figures are in excess of £250k! Slightly more than your suggestion. I'm guessing you didn't get held much as a child, but try and build a bridge and get over it.
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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva A) You have no idea who I am so spare the stupid insults B) The chances of firms taking bets in total of £10,000 - liability £250,000 on Coles to win a Challenge Tour event are exceedingly unlikely C) No golfer would take a bribe to throw a tournament outright D) Beginning to wonder why I bothered joining here

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Re: GOLF: Trophee Du Golf De Geneva The internet is a wonderful place where anonymity is not always what it seems and no-one really knows who anyone else is or what they know - don't like trading insults so I will leave it at that!

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