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Every Hand Revealed: Samba wins Betfair $18k


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Re: Every Hand Revealed: Samba wins Betfair $18k

There seems to be a hand replayer for Betfair here: http://labs.betfair.com/Project+and+Discussion+Viewer/?contentId=684 Though I haven't tried to see if it works.
Nice one :ok Seems to be local only though - not to publish - though if there were enough demand, I could play it and record it - but that would proabaly take quite a long time - so would need quite a few to say they want it (and would watch it)....
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Re: Every Hand Revealed: Samba wins Betfair $18k How do others interpret the stats then? ---------- Things I notice, that I like: I won the tourney with a pretty average array of hands - it wasn't as if I was a card rack. My positional play out of the blinds - tight early and middle, still tight but a bit less so in the cutoff, and a tad(!) looser on the button. I changed gears the further into the tournament I got. My aggression went up as we got short-handed, as it should. Mw W$SD% is 100% the whole of the way through the tourney until, I am guessing, we get HU - I am reading this in the positive light that I know when to get away from my hand, and not the negative light that I get bullied off pots when I have the best hand. I didn't once have my stack at risk as a dog - I wasn't "lucky" to win this tourney. ---------- Things I notice, that I don't like: My small blind stats - 37/21 with 7 or more players - surely a leak?! ... I don't mind my big blind stat of 23/3 as I will call pfr's if I am getting the odds with a very wide range of hands (I've read Gus Hansen's book! :lol) Maybe I was too tight early. I use the early stages to try and suss out my opponents and see a few cheap flops, but maybe I am neglecting trying to increase my stack in doing so?

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Re: Every Hand Revealed: Samba wins Betfair $18k

I didn't once have my stack at risk as a dog - I wasn't "lucky" to win this tourney.
Not necessarily true (and I'm not saying you were overly lucky - but everyone needs some "luck" to win a tourney) - it's good that you never got the money in behind - however your 65% shot holding up 3 times is quite a bit luckier than your 35% shot winning once. If you can win 10,000 chips by putting your money in as a 35% dog once or If you can win 10,000 chips by putting your money in 3 times as a 65% favourite then you should want to get your money in as a 35% dog every time - what I feel that illustrates is that the risk to reward consideration is important - just getting your money in in front isnt enough.
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Re: Every Hand Revealed: Samba wins Betfair $18k

Not necessarily true (and I'm not saying you were overly lucky - but everyone needs some "luck" to win a tourney) - it's good that you never got the money in behind - however your 65% shot holding up 3 times is quite a bit luckier than your 35% shot winning once. If you can win 10,000 chips by putting your money in as a 35% dog once or If you can win 10,000 chips by putting your money in 3 times as a 65% favourite then you should want to get your money in as a 35% dog every time - what I feel that illustrates is that the risk to reward consideration is important - just getting your money in in front isnt enough.
Agreed. I didn't word what I said in the right way - I know it is lucky for the times I was in front to hold up. Don't quite know how to word what I mean then lol.
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