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PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series


PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series  

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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series Welldone to this weeks winners. :clap I'll be back playing this on Tuesday, been having connection issues with Virgin media this last week but its now sorted, was not impressed that I had to wait 4 days for somebody to come out and fix something that took less than 10 mins. :@

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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series :clap

Well played (again :eyes :wall) Gaz' date=' and Oobs :clap[/quote'] You done excellent too Pete, think that makes you top of league :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap And welldone Gaz :ok :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series Table updated in post 1 and it couldn't be tighter going into the final game with 18 points seperating the top 3 and Samba replacing Ooblio at the top of the table. Well played Samba and Ooblio again for unbelievable consistancy (Samba = 3 consecutive 2nds, Ooblio = 3 consecutive top 3 finishes). Looking forward to an exciting game next week!

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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series Well done you 3, again. :clap I was really surprised to see only 13 in this tonight :sad and hope we can get a few (well a lot actually) more for the final tourney next week. This is not a league as such, that's only so we can give the trophy award, so you are not disadvantaged in playing next week if you've not played any of the others. There's $100 added to each leg, so between the 10-20 of us who have played so far, we're getting at least an extra $5 buy-in value. Don't you want some of it? Although it's a rebuy, it's only 1 rebuy/1 add on so people are not playing any 2 and rebuying to stay in - those that do only add to the prize money. As we previously ran a successful series with Circus I'm sure a lot of you already have accounts there. They are running various promos at the moment which would make it worth while depositing if you'd cleared out your account plus some rake-free offers too. Surely everyone can't be on AOL and have connection issues with iPoker?

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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series

..... it's a rebuy' date=' it's only 1 rebuy/1 add on ..... [/quote'] Which is enough for me not to play. Nothing personal Gaz, so let's just say I have a friend who played in a very similar tournament and by accident or design sat out for 59 minutes and found himself on the FT with 600 chips. The tournament now allows $10 to be thrown at the problem and bingo, 3600 chips. That's not job done, the rest of the chips still have to be won but I have to say I find it galling that rebuys allow the first hour to be disregarded. So I'm out.
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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series

Nothing personal Gaz, so let's just say I have a friend who played in a very similar tournament and by accident or design sat out for 59 minutes and found himself on the FT with 600 chips. The tournament now allows $10 to be thrown at the problem and bingo, 3600 chips.
I didn't sit out on purpose, I had fallen asleep and if Rachel hadn't woke me up then I would have lost all my chips, it definately wasn't "by design" and I would never do that, especially in a PL game. However, surely the fact that I've missed an hour is a disadvantage to me? I have no reads on the table and the blinds are a lot bigger so I have to get busy quickly before I can settle into the game? I hate unlimited rebuy games as they tend to reward the people with the most money, however, I think the 1 rebuy and 1 add-on format is a lot better and a lot more fair.
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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series

I didn't sit out on purpose, I had fallen asleep and if Rachel hadn't woke me up then I would have lost all my chips, it definately wasn't "by design" and I would never do that, especially in a PL game. However, surely the fact that I've missed an hour is a disadvantage to me? I have no reads on the table and the blinds are a lot bigger so I have to get busy quickly before I can settle into the game? I hate unlimited rebuy games as they tend to reward the people with the most money, however, I think the 1 rebuy and 1 add-on format is a lot better and a lot more fair.
Better and fairer compared to unlimited rebuys but not, for me anyway, better and fairer than a freezeout. I'm a self-confessed NLHE freezeout player to the exclusion of all other varieties. Apart from this series the only rebuys I will usually play are those that can lead to live tournament qualification as they are sometimes preferable to the extreme turbo freezout options. I knew the tournament conditions and had the option not to play, which I will now be taking. I was reacting to the rallying call.
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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series Am in for tonights game, although sorry in advance if I'm not very chatty, I'm playing a few games tonight and I'm not the most experienced multi tabler, have even borrowed my house mates laptop so I can play more than one site on ipoker. :lol Good luck all. :ok

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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series Congrats to Runa, andybell and Dodger for making up the podium tonight .:clap That was a result which didn't affect the top of the league table at all (with Samba not playing, oobs needed 2nd place or better and I needed 6th place or better to overtake samba). So well done to Samba who is the champion of the league series :notworthy. (league table updated in post 1) Many thanks to morls for getting this set up and big big thanks to Circus for a great promo. :clap

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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series Just to echo above thanks to Morls/PL/Circus, I enjoyed the 3 games I played and happy to come away in profit against quality players. :ok Welldone to those who cashed tonight and Samba for his awesome overall perfomance. :clap

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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series Well done to tonight's cashers. :clap To those of you surprised to see runadrum in the game tonight and who maybe think I have undue influence over him, can I say I have absolutely no influence whatsoever and was just as surprised as you. :lol Big thanks to Circus for running this series for us and to morls for organising. Looking forward to getting my 50% buy-ins back. :ok Am intending to make another deposit in order to get the free ticket to the $1m tourney freeroll sat.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series

Winner will get icon and loser gets wooden spoon!!
Well done to Samba and pistonbroke. :clap Piston is an existing holder of the spoon and is actually the last person who won it, for the PokerKings league in March, so is now on a hatrick when we run our next league :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series Guys Many thanks to all involved in organising this. I am a relative newbie on PL and have been pleasantly surprised by the friendliness of all so many thanks to all who particapted. Woudl definitely like to play in more of these monthly organised tournies or leagues so please keep up the good work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: PL Exclusive - Circus Poker Added Value Series Hi Graeme Pleased to inform you that all your players who took part in 2 or more of the private tournaments have now been refunded 50% of their buy-ins as follows: wwwtip2winco $11.00 = £6.67 avongirlC $11.00 = £6.67 PsychoHepKat $11.00 = £6.67 GeordieeGaz $11.00 = £6.67 1borokp1 $11.00 = £6.67 runadrum11 $8.25 = £5.00 pistonbroke99 $8.25 = £5.00 morlsssssssssss $8.25 = £5.00 glglceud $8.25 = £5.00 Sambalidocious $8.25 = £5.00 PLerDodger $8.25 = £5.00 CUR07511682 $8.25 = £5.00 72monster $8.25 = £5.00 mickybricks1 $5.50 = £3.34 fenner1 $5.50 = £3.34 PLdili123in $5.50 = £3.34 OLBGchapman $5.50 = £3.34 HectorMcGPL $5.50 = £3.34 Thanks

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