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Cold Deck....


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Cold Deck =

the term has come to refer to a hand that plays out as if a cold deck has been in use. For example, in most forms of poker, four of a kind (four cards of identical rank, e.g., four Kings) is made rarely and a straight flush (five consecutive cards of the same suit, e.g., the six, seven, eight, nine and ten of spades) is made extremely rarely. If one player is dealt four-of-a-kind and another is dealt a straight flush, both players would usually be justified in making large bets and raises. When the player with the straight flush wins the pot, the player with four-of-a-kind might complain of being cold-decked without meaning to accuse anybody of cheating. The hand itself is called a cooler.
I think this may qualify then? Playing live at Aspers in Newcastle I have a healthy stack of 26k, blinds at 200/400... I'm in the SB with :Ac: :2c:, mid-position has called and the cut-off has also called so I call the extra 200 and BB checks... Flop :4c: :6c: :7c: :nana.... I check as do the rest of the table... Turn :Kd: .... I check again and BB goes all in for 4k :loon.... great!! even better is that the cut-off calls he 4k..... I contemplated flat-calling here (which is probably the correct play)... but instead I raised it an extra 6k..... the cut-off thinks for a wee bit before going all in for an extra 11k to which I insta call..... He flips the flopped straight flush :8c: :5c: :puke
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Re: Cold Deck.... I would guess that the odds of straight flush over (nut) flush are significantly more likely than the scenario in your original post of quads over straight flush. Given that the flop is :4c: :6c: :7c: and given that you have :Ac: :2c:, then the odds of one opponent holding the :5c: with :3c: or :8c: is I think 0.185% or about 1 in 540. If you allow him to use the 2 community cards too, then the odds fall significantly. You're looking at a very specific circumstance there though (and I would argue that 1 in 540 isnt that rare for such a specific circumstance....concoct 500 very specific circumstances that are a 500-1 shot, and you'll see one of them very frequently) If you look more generally and ask with those cards what your chances are of winning against 9 opponents (who go to showdown) with random cards, then your nut flush will be good about 4 times in 5 (and will lose 1 time in 5)

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Re: Cold Deck....

I would guess that the odds of straight flush over (nut) flush are significantly more likely than the scenario in your original post of quads over straight flush. Given that the flop is :4c: :6c: :7c: and given that you have :Ac: :2c:, then the odds of one opponent holding the :5c: with :3c: or :8c: is I think 0.185% or about 1 in 540. If you allow him to use the 2 community cards too, then the odds fall significantly. You're looking at a very specific circumstance there though (and I would argue that 1 in 540 isnt that rare for such a specific circumstance....concoct 500 very specific circumstances that are a 500-1 shot, and you'll see one of them very frequently) If you look more generally and ask with those cards what your chances are of winning against 9 opponents (who go to showdown) with random cards, then your nut flush will be good about 4 times in 5 (and will lose 1 time in 5)
Wasn't a bad beat or cold deck at all then;)
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Re: Cold Deck....

Wasn't a bad beat or cold deck at all then;)
Well it's certainly nothing like one in a million or anything like that :tongue2 I'm not sure how to do the maths if you allow the community cards as well - something like there are 6 combinations of 2 cards from 4, so 1 opponent having the straight flush in this situation against your nut flush (we'll ignore straight flush possibilities that exclude :5c: and we'll ignore other not improbable hands that will win like a full house) will be about 540-1 / 6 = about 80-1? That's 80-1 against happening in that one specific hand ... if you were to play more than 1 hand in a night then the odds will tumble from that ......
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Re: Cold Deck....

Well it's certainly nothing like one in a million or anything like that :tongue2 I'm not sure how to do the maths if you allow the community cards as well - something like there are 6 combinations of 2 cards from 4, so 1 opponent having the straight flush in this situation against your nut flush (we'll ignore straight flush possibilities that exclude :5c: and we'll ignore other not improbable hands that will win like a full house) will be about 540-1 / 6 = about 80-1? That's 80-1 against happening in that one specific hand ... if you were to play more than 1 hand in a night then the odds will tumble from that ......
GaF, you need a holiday mate. :lol
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Re: Cold Deck....

80/1???? that can't be right! :loon
I make it about 108/1 that a particular opponent will beat you with a straight flush including :5c: by the river, given that you have that particular hand and flop, and that the opponent stays in to a showdown. (I'm not sure, but I think GaF may have included the cases where the straight flush is the board, so there's a split pot?)
wonder what the odds of my hand happening is? :unsure Sure slap or Gaf will tell me! ;)
The problem with that question is that it only makes sense if you're precise about exactly what you're asking for the odds of: Being beaten by one particular opponent with a straight flush on the flop, given your hand and the flop? About 540-1. Being beaten by one particular opponent with a straight flush by the river? More likely. Having a nut flush beaten by a straight flush on a particular hand, but making no assumptions about your hand or the flop? Much less likely. All 10 (?) players having exactly the hands that they did, and the flop/turn/river being exactly what they were? Nearly 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000-1.
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Re: Cold Deck....

All 10 (?) players having exactly the hands that they did, and the flop/turn/river being exactly what they were? Nearly 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000-1.
Thats more like it, beginning to think I was hallucinating seeing 540/1 and straight flush in the same sentence
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Re: Cold Deck.... i sucked out on some guy yesterday on the plo cash tables :) i had a k q 7 rainbow flop comes q k 5 with 2 hearts . we raise reraise till all in (i thought he was on a draw) and he turns ks for top set leaving me pretty stuffed:wall i then hit proceed to hit runner runner aces,he wasnt happy:lol

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