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Tricky WWYD

billy the punter

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Racing was so poor on Sunday so I thought I'd try and find a small tournament somewhere. Found a £30 deepstack/fast blind in the City, which was fine, it was my first live tournament for sometime and it was more of a social thing. I didn't want to get too involved, just this and some 1/2 once I get knocked out. Anyway, level 5, blinds are 200/400. I'm in the BB. UTG had just suffered a bad beat looks at one card and moves in with 1900. He announces he has looked at just one card and it is genuine, the 2nd card hadn't even come around. Fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, to a chap who hadn't been paying attention. He says "call" and chucks in a 500 chip, thinking there had been no raise. The dealer tells him there has been a an all-in, he still doesn't realise and announces "call" again. The dealers informs him that it's 1900 to call, the player now realises but is forced to call once verbally saying so. He begrudgingly puts in 1900 (leaving himself 3300). SB folds, leaving me to act. I have Ac6s and 4400 chips. I'm pretty sure of the right play here but... what would you do?

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Re: Tricky WWYD Shove allin. Guy who limped isn't very strong and the guy who has only looked at one card prob either has a K or A. By shoving allin you will probably eliminate the limper (although he is then getting the right price to call) and if he does fold you're heads up with the allin guy and it's only cost you 1500.

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Re: Tricky WWYD fold for me. If the 1st player has only looked at one card it's probably an ace and your kicker is below average. If you raise all in the other guy will call if he has any sense. This leaves you in a 3 way pot with A6 - not ideal. I'm sure a player of your caliber can find a better spot:ok

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Re: Tricky WWYD Cheers guys :ok Well I thought along the same lines as SteveO here. I only have 4400 on a 15 min clock, stealing opportunities aren't great as it's a calling table. I smelt an opportunity here. Dico/HH are right, IF the caller has any sense he would call. However I wasn't giving him much credit at this point, I really thought he would pass to a shove by me. So.... 4400 in the middle I have 4400 but like I say I was pretty sure the caller would pass - he didn't even want to put the 1900 in. So I'm getting 4400/1500 with A6. Nearly 3/1. It's only costing me 1500, will still have 2900 left. I'm thinking the one-card blindman has see either an A, K or Q. Even basing it on him seeing an A or K I'm still beating plenty of hands, given the odds I was getting I felt I had to push. I did, the caller folded and saved his 3000 for another hand. So 5900 in the middle, it cost me 1500 and I still have chips if I lose. The one card he looked at before pushing was...... a jack :loon his other card was a 4. The result of the hand is academic when talking about the right play. If I felt the caller was better/more aware then I would not have made the play - if that makes sense. The J4 won.

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