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Weirdest Hands

billy the punter

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Some of you guys may have read this as it's on another forum apparently, a mate just emailed me this.... This story from the 2+2 poker forum... the thread is 'Most absurd Poker thinking you've seen' This has gotta be WAYYYY up there. 1/2 NL game in Tunica, MS. Don't remember the exact action, but a big pot brews preflop 3 ways. Player A announces 'all in'. Player B says 'call' and they flip up their hands, revealing AA and KK. Problem: action is still on Player C, B announced out of turn. Dealer tells C it's his action and he is sitting and pondering, much to the bewilderment of everyone else. Finally he says 'gotta call. gotta' and calls, revealing the other two KK. AA wins a giant pot and of course someone asks him "What in the FK were you thinking?" and he says "hey, what am I gonna do, fold KINGS? :eek Obviously we don't know if this is true, but we've all seen enough weird plays to suggest it probably is. I've seen too many to mention but one sticks in my mind... Was at the Vic and was sitting in the daytime £1/£2 PLHE game. I won't remember the exact amounts per raise but they were something similar, I know it was heads up after the flop so it won't be far out. I make it £7 with Td9d, two callers. Flop Qs Jc 3s I bet £21, folder, caller. Turn comes Qs Jc 3s 4c I bet £60, he calls. Rivers comes Qs Jc 3s 4c 7h I bet the pot again was around £190 at this stage, he had about half that left. He sais something like "well I've gone with it all the way, I gotta call now". And he does, with Ts9s. We split the pot. This is what you're dealing with. With mugs like this around there aren't many games around where you can play skillfully anymore.

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Re: Weirdest Hands Playing in the Wynn LV the other day, six limpers into a $1 / $3 NLHE game when the guy in the BB (just joined) raises $5 into a $18 pot. Everyone calls. He bets $5 on the flop again almost everyone calls. Turn card he bets $10 everyone calls. River he bets $10 most people call. Pot is almost $200 and he flips over AA to take it. Very next hand I flop a set and he flops the nut flush after six people limp in. He bets $10 on every street and of course everyone calls because nobody believes he flopped the nuts (except me who prays for the board to pair). My set of fours dont improve and shows the nut flush for another $200 pot. Later in the day he folds a flopped set of Kings to heat from a guy with AA on the river having already put over half his stack in the middle. At this point he left and so did I.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Weirdest Hands Don't get this play at all. Weird call.... ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 555757224 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $20 Buy-in + $2 Entry Fee, Level:7 Blinds(100/200-20 ante) - Thursday, July 30, 20:07:01 GMT 2009 Daily $3,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'Em #264960 Table 6 9-max (Real Money) Seat 5 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: gemy ( 5,817.50 ) Seat 2: Harold Boom ( 4,110 ) Seat 3: IsukPlzMuk ( 3,415 ) Seat 4: ped76 ( 4,306.25 ) Seat 5: Humira ( 2,710 ) Seat 6: tiagofmx ( 10,593 ) Seat 7: shifty ( 9,092.50 ) Seat 8: 1joejoe ( 10,362 ) Seat 9: willis2 ( 8,368 ) Tourney Level:7 Blinds(100/200-20 ante) shifty posts ante [20] 1joejoe posts ante [20] willis2 posts ante [20] gemy posts ante [20] Harold Boom posts ante [20] IsukPlzMuk posts ante [20] ped76 posts ante [20] Humira posts ante [20] tiagofmx posts ante [20] tiagofmx posts small blind [100] shifty posts big blind [200] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Harold Boom [ As, 8s ] 1joejoe folds willis2 folds gemy folds Harold Boom raises to [880] IsukPlzMuk folds ped76 calls [880] Humira folds tiagofmx folds shifty calls [680] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 6s, 5s ] shifty checks Harold Boom goes all-in Harold Boom bets [3,210] ped76 calls [3,210] shifty folds ** Showdown ** Harold Boom shows [ As, 8s ] ped76 shows [ Ts, Ad ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 7h ] ** Dealing River ** [ 5c ] ** Hand Conclusion ** Harold Boom wins 9,340 from main pot with a straight, Eight to Four ************ Game 555757224 ends ************

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Weirdest Hands Check this out from tonight's 18k. Thankfully it didn't involved me. So sick... ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 562099200 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:8 Blinds(125/250-25 ante) - Thursday, August 13, 21:12:18 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #268980 Table 4 9-max (Real Money) Seat 9 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: murrdpoker ( 5,992.25 ) Seat 2: Bruce Wayne ( 13,403.57 ) Seat 3: Swalbart ( 2,011.64 ) Seat 4: AlfiesDad01 ( 6,552.50 ) Seat 5: manogreg ( 8,995.97 ) Seat 6: edzed ( 8,828.14 ) Seat 7: Thunder79 ( 8,606.33 ) Seat 8: Harold Boom ( 5,199.50 ) Seat 9: albur ( 7,466.05 ) Tourney Level:8 Blinds(125/250-25 ante) Swalbart posts ante [25] AlfiesDad01 posts ante [25] manogreg posts ante [25] edzed posts ante [25] Thunder79 posts ante [25] albur posts ante [25] Harold Boom posts ante [25] murrdpoker posts ante [25] Bruce Wayne posts ante [25] murrdpoker posts small blind [125] Bruce Wayne posts big blind [250] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Harold Boom [ Jh, 7c ] Swalbart folds AlfiesDad01 folds manogreg folds edzed folds Thunder79 folds Harold Boom folds albur raises to [777] murrdpoker folds Bruce Wayne raises to [1,950] albur goes all-in albur raises to [7,441.05] Bruce Wayne calls [5,491.05] ** Showdown ** Bruce Wayne shows [ Ad, Ah ] albur shows [ 4c, 7s ] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 8s, 5d, 5c ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 6s ] ** Dealing River ** [ 9d ] ** Hand Conclusion ** albur wins 15,232.10 from main pot with a straight, Nine to Five ************ Game 562099200 ends ************

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