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Tricky turn spot with QQ


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Posted this on another forum but interesting hand and intrigued to see what PL players think of it. Plus the cash forum could use some topics to discuss! :) CO is a 60/10 over 44 hands 1.0 aggression factor but can fold - 23% WTSD. BB is a 22/15/2.6 TAG over 155 hands. Boss Media, $0.25/0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash Games, 4 Players Hand Converter by Pokerhand.org Board: Button: $50 Hero: $49.25 BB: $85.55 CO: $68.01 Dealt to Hero Qheart.gif Qdiamond.gif Pre-flop: CO calls $.50, (1 folds), Hero raises to $2.50, BB calls $2.50, CO calls $2.50 Flop: ($8.25) 5club.gif Theart.gif Jdiamond.gif (3 Players) Hero bets $6, BB calls $6, CO calls $6 Turn: ($26.25) Kheart.gif (3 Players) Hero checks, BB checks, CO bets $6.50, SB calls $6.50, BB calls $6.50 River: ($45.75) 2heart.gif (3 Players) Hero checks, BB checks, CO checks

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Re: Tricky turn spot with QQ You played it fine. A bet on the turn could give you a very tricky situation as a good player with a pair and flush draw etc may well raise so Iliked the way you played it with just an underpair to the board.

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