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Ace on the flop when holding Kings


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I seem to be in this situation alot recently. I am holding KK, make a 4,5 or 6 xBB raise get a caller (or 2) then see an Ace on the flop. Is it straightforward fold to a raise or should I sometimes represent a bigger Ace? I tend to mix it up a bit and without tracking software I am not sure what I am winning or losing here. It certainly seems that I am folding more often than not to the raise. I am playing micro stakes 0.02/0.05 and 0.05/0.10 on Pokerstars which has plenty of people who would call a 6 xBB pre flop raise with Ace rag. Any stats from GaF to advise me in this situation?

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Re: Ace on the flop when holding Kings I'll try and find some stats later on :ok (if I forget - feel free to remind me). My (statless) thoughts though - If I bet pre flop and an Ace comes on the flop, and no-one has bet before me, then I will usually cbet - I feel I have to represent the Ace if I raised pre flop, However, at microstakes where your opponent is possibly more likely to have a (raggy) ace himself, and is less likely to fold with any connection - a less aggressive approach could be argued. If you cbet and get played back at, then you should probably never put another cent into the pot.

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Re: Ace on the flop when holding Kings I don't like betting with kings on an ace high flop. You only ever get called by better and rarely if ever fold out a better hand. Its obviously situational and its not that I've never done it but in most scenarios I just don't see a good reason for betting. OOP its hard but c/c c/f are both better than betting normally.

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Re: Ace on the flop when holding Kings Thanks for the replies, It confirms that I am probably doing the right thing. You really cant make many fancy plays at this level, but I am determined to manage my bankroll correctly so will have to grind it out a while longer. Incidently following my post I hit trip Kings twice in 10 minutes, which was nice

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Re: Ace on the flop when holding Kings

I don't like betting with kings on an ace high flop. You only ever get called by better and rarely if ever fold out a better hand. Its obviously situational and its not that I've never done it but in most scenarios I just don't see a good reason for betting. OOP its hard but c/c c/f are both better than betting normally.
I think your thought process is right in thinking about what worse hands call and what better hands fold but people do peel turn cards really light vs people who cbet a lot. I expect most people will call with any pocket pair or lower pair at least once even on an A high flop because they have showdown value, people like to cbet a lot and people don't often double/triple barrel bluff so by betting with the KK you still get a load of value from worse pairs that are calling. You can also turn your hand into a bluff vs weak passive players by triple barreling them, they won't often call with just one pair A medium kicker.
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Re: Ace on the flop when holding Kings Thats a good point Nade. As usual things are situational. If you're OOP playing a reg who has been floating you a lot bet folding the flop and check calling the turn is probably a very +ev play. On the flip side if a nit checks it to me on an Axx rainbow flop I'm checking behind 99% of the time - you just fold out all of his air by betting. If he hits a 2 outter set on the turn so be it. Against two players is another situation in which I would bet as between them they can easily have quite decent equity (and significantly reduce yours) yet one or both may be prepared to fold to a bet.

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