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Venting at the table?


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Out of interest, have any of you ever spoken out at the table against anyone in anger? I dont mean abusing or swearing at them etc...... I mean, asking them why the hell they are calling you with the particular hand they chose to..... or why they have gone AIPF with absolute shit starting hands, without a seconds thought? Or do you just let everything pass by and think that they will forget they done that, before you will.?

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Re: Venting at the table? Funnily enough an argument just broke ou in agame at my local pub. Flop comes K 10 x and guy checks other guy shoves with Q9 on agutshot and the guy who checked shows two pair. The river brings the J for the straight and the K 10 goes absolutely ballistic saying how the **** can you shove with such crap:lol In fairness it was just a pure bluff as the guy put him on nothing but the guy who went berserk I gave him a thorough dressing down and told him to fcuk off.

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Re: Venting at the table?

Funnily enough an argument just broke ou in agame at my local pub. Flop comes K 10 x and guy checks other guy shoves with Q9 on agutshot and the guy who checked shows two pair. The river brings the J for the straight and the K 10 goes absolutely ballistic saying how the **** can you shove with such crap:lol In fairness it was just a pure bluff as the guy put him on nothing but the guy who went berserk I gave him a thorough dressing down and told him to fcuk off.
Good for you! It wasn't even a bluff, it was a semibluff. If the guy with (Q,9) had called an all-in, then that's a bad play and the (K,10) would have a reason to be annoyed. Shoving with nothing is part of the game as the stacks go down. I got berated by a player when my (3,2s) preflop shove beat his (A,A), but I was getting blinded out, so I had to do something. Anyway, rudeness is just rudeness. There's no excuse for it. If ever I find myself up against Phil Helmuth and he takes exception to one of my famous donkey calls, then I'm decking him!
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Re: Venting at the table? I agree Muttley no room for rudeness. I always say nice hand and always shake the other players hand unless he's been a right cnut. Another thing that pisses me off is when other players who are not in the hand start getting involved staiting "oh he's bluffing etc" I won't have it, if you're not in the hand shut it. I love all the banter that comes with live games but there has to be some clarity.

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Re: Venting at the table? Generally if anyone vents at me online, I feel a little pride as it usually means I've just won the hand. I don't use chat much, so if someone wants to have a bit of a rant, I don't really care. What I feel is getting a bit boring is when people quote another persons stats in these little verbal disputes. Frankly, if you need to quote the stats to win the argument, I don't think you should really be so proud of your "intellectual superiority".

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Re: Venting at the table? Some put downs for the braver ones amongst us.....(please add your own) "If you've got all the brains how come I've got all the money?" "Thanks for the advice......and the chips." And from The Cincinatti Kid....... "All you paid was the looking price. Lessons are extra."

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Re: Venting at the table?

I mean, asking them why the hell they are calling you with the particular hand they chose to..... or why they have gone AIPF with absolute shit starting hands, without a seconds thought?
I cant understand the need to vent at all - especially from players with half a knowledge of the game. Poker is a game of mistakes - if you make fewer and smaller mistakes than your opponents then you will be more profitable than them. You want them making mistakes. Most of the money you make will not be from your brilliance, but instead as a result of your opponents ineptitude. Celebrate when you see them make mistakes (the result of one specific hand is of no significance) - if they make mistakes, then you make a profit - regardless of the short term cash flow. When I see people venting I tend to focus on them and target them. If they're venting, then they're likely a below average player (that doesnt understand the game properly) and emotionally driven (tilting) - a great combination for me :) The other aspect - if someone really is a fish and making poor decisions - the last thing you want to do is educate them and tell them how bad their decision was - you want them to think they were unlucky, reload and continue playing the same way :) Make them comfortable :) Make them Happy :) Dont berate them and drive them away to another table.....
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Re: Venting at the table? Reason Im asking is, I was down quite a bit in the $1 freezeout Ive been playing (as after 11 is the only time Im able to sit down and play atm really,) and had pretty much made my mind up that the first time I get something to work with, Im shoving, hoping to double up. One guy at the table was causing all sorts of problems, calling everything regardless of what he had. This hand though, prompted me into asking him politely, why did you call mate? his reply was staggering, he turned and asked why I had shoved with KQs as I clearly had as much chance of winning the hand as him as it was just two unpaired cards in a race. He then asked, who is a shit player? Him, calling a definite weak player with 46o but holding a decent stack or me, shoving with suited connectors, nothing more than that and a shit stack? pissedofffish442.jpg He claimed he will win in the long run calling with those hands. and sure enough, a few hands later, it all kicks off big time. I dont get involved this time, but he took a lot of pelters for this one. pissedofffish2714.jpg He actually took me out of the tournament as well a bit later, with my AQs no match for his K3o, but by that stage, tbh I was finding it very funny by this stage.

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Re: Venting at the table?

He claimed he will win in the long run calling with those hands.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much significance would you attach to anything he says? :tongue2 If you need any help/persuasion - check him out on sharkscope .....349 games played - ROI is minus 29% - Total loss - $1535 - not a great role model :tongue2 - but dont berate him - just take his money! He's throwing it in the dustbin - make sure you own the dustbin!
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