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Best site / network for Holdem Fixed Limit?


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Re: Best site / network for Holdem Fixed Limit? I only play limit on Boss when needing to get raked hands in and, playing only at 10c/20c, seem to make a profit 95% of the time, although usually for just half an hour play at a time. Don't know if this apparent lack of quality players reflects up through the higher stakes but I suspect you find a similar level of players on whatever site you play on. I mean...if one site was definitely easier to beat than any other then the sharks would get in there and eat them up...so they would quickly become more difficult and the sites that the sharks had abandoned would suddenly become easier. :unsure ...just adding....probably not 95%, more like 85%, and you get the occasional time when it costs you €5 to enter a PL ''freeroll'' too. :sad

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Re: Best site / network for Holdem Fixed Limit? I play 10 seat $1/$2 tables at IP, Prima and Boss(rarely) Have played at Stars and Party in the past. General rule of thumb the ones with the least traffic(prima/boss) seem weaker(but that could be because I am less likely to be mulltitabling!) Not really sure I believe any site has softer games than any others as Dodger says its probably Cyclical.

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