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Taking the plunge


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I've decided to try out my first bricks 'n mortar tourney tonight at a local casino. £25 + £5 head hunter, typically 30-40 entrants on a Wednesday (according to the girl on the desk) £6.50 registration fee. I have no idea what the standard will be like, so I'll play tight as a gnat's chuff for the first few rounds and take it from there. I'm targeting the final table, but I'll be happy to not make an arse of myself. I've played live games before, but only at pub league level, which tend to be donkathons. Just a little nervous....:unsure Any last minute advice greatly received.

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Re: Taking the plunge As someone who has only played live a couple of times, the advice someone on here gave me was to just relax and enjoy it. Tactically don't look at your cards until it is your go, pay attention to what is going on (nothing worse than limping in after someone has raised:$), and take your time if you feel you need it. Good luck:ok

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Re: Taking the plunge Mate I reckon the standard won't be any better or worse than the 'donkathons' you say you attend. Just play the players on your table best you can and take advantage of position for stealing blinds and outplying your opponents.

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Re: Taking the plunge 16th out of 24. To be honest with the cards I had that was ok. The first hour went by with nothing playable, then I picked up (K,K) and doubled up. I then managed to steal a few blinds with my ultra-tight image. The end came in the 3rd hour when I tried to steal from the CO with (A,8s). The button reraised effectively putting me all-in as I'd already put in half my chips. He turned over (K,K) which held up. Steve, you were right about the standard. They were better than the pub league, but not great. Lots of limping with not much consideration given to position. A reraise means premium hand, not "a good hand, but I've got position on you." etc etc The main thing is I enjoyed it! :loon (and I didn't make an arse of myself).

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