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Reliable Tells


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Have you got a reliable tell on someone? There's one guy in my weekly live game that unintentionally telegraphs his hand to me. If I'm heads up with him I watch him, not the cards, and can see whether he hits on the flop, turn or river. His "tell" is his mouth. When he hits he pouts his lips slightly. If he misses he pushes his lips together slightly (as if he is going to say "Mama"). I've checked the tell over many hands and, so far, it has been 100% accurate with this player. I know when to push him off hands or get away from his big hands. Has anyone else got any reliable tells on a player?

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Re: Reliable Tells Played in a live tounament last night and I just played hands in position all night. I'd rasie preflop and any sign of weakness form them on the flop I'd just cbet and 90% of the time they'd get through. Not so much tells but their whole demeanour showed me they weren't too interested in their hands.

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Re: Reliable Tells

Played in a live tounament last night and I just played hands in position all night. I'd rasie preflop and any sign of weakness form them on the flop I'd just cbet and 90% of the time they'd get through. Not so much tells but their whole demeanour showed me they weren't too interested in their hands.
i think this is similar to the sort of reads i get,general body language is probably the best tell you can get. i always try to react the same, no matter what happens:loonhopefully this makes me as hard as possible to get any info from.
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Re: Reliable Tells

i think this is similar to the sort of reads i get,general body language is probably the best tell you can get. i always try to react the same, no matter what happens:loonhopefully this makes me as hard as possible to get any info from.
It's nice when you have a specific tell on someone though. I think the most common, but easiest to fake, is the "weak when strong" and "strong when weak" kind of tells. Another guy I play with (not so much now) does this all the time. For instance, we were down to the final two and I was about 3 to1 chip leader. He suddenly announced "Let's see who's got the best kicker", and shoved all-in. I knew it was BS, but had no kind of hand to call so I folded. He turned over 5,2o. He'll forget he tried this against me before I do. Another reliable tell has returned to the game after many years! Since the ban on smoking in public places, some players have purchased the new electronic cigarettes, not realising there's a reliable tell to be had. Namely a player who is happy with his hand will blow the cigarette smoke upwards, whereas someone who is uncomfortable will blow the smoke downwards. I've seen this work with different players.
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