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Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn?

Fast Eddie

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? Hehe, my first victory came this afternoon in a Blsq freebie 10 man SnG. However, it must be said, it wasn't so much devastatingly incisive poker cunning on my part, more like a few all-in loons, a permanent sitout, and a few good beats for me, my 55 beating his TT when I got another five on the flop, we were both all in from the off so I went from grimace to smiles and he was vanquished!

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? Well i'm still in the poker game after my first ten days, and gradually learning a little, started reading Harrington on Holdem Vol. 1 which seems excellent for a novice like me, almost too much good info to take in so I'm going to slow right down and really try and digest each piece of new advice as I find it tough assimilating stuff I read and learn into actual gameplay. For the moment I'm starting at the basics so I'm constantly watching for my position and other players position and this seems to be one of the cornerstones of playing the game, sort of like the "Mirror" in Mirror, Signal, Manoevre is how I think of it. I'mstill on the freebie BlueSq tables and the money from those has allowed me to play some of the 10c SnGs but no winnings from those yet which is what I'm really aiming at. Anyway thanks to you again for getting me started, best of luck with your cards, Ed

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