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Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn?

Fast Eddie

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Never played poker in a club, casino or on line. I understand the rules pretty much and am willing to learn (look forward to it in fact). I've read some of the colourful books like Big Deal, Bigger Deal and the Stu Ungar Biography so I'm under no illusions that I'm going to be any good to begin with. Can you first of all recommend me a site where I can play for small stakes and at a slow table if there is such a thing cos I looked at some of the games online and they were going crazy quick for a Newbie like me? Also, what about any recommendations as to the best books to start with, Hold'em for the moment as that seems to be THE game to play. And are there any good learning sites or blogs for the new player? Thanks for any help. Ed

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? Best place to start is Blue Square - they have FREE 10 seat tables where the top 3 win prize money (only 10c shared) - the play from your opponents wont be great, but you can start building a bankroll for nothing, start getting used to online poker and start thinking about how to play your hands. In no time you'll have $0.12 in your account and then you can try a 10c+2c STT - but you're playing with their money :) The online authority on poker is the (American) 2plus2 forum. Best of the reading (for STTs) is indexed here - http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/36/stt-strategy/other-links-tools-videos-links-software-etc-50/ Online training sites - deuces cracked will give you access to everything for 1 week (I think :unsure) completely free - I the trial would probably be wasted for the moment though - get some experience and learning behind you first. If you're mathematically inclined, then look up ICM analysis for STTs and work through things like this quiz - http://www.sngegt.com/index.php?action=SNG%20Quiz

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? hi eddie :welcometo the poker section right,first where to learn. a good start is in the strategy section here;),stickied at the top are 3 very usefull threads. 1 is poker resources here you will find books ,articles and links plus loads of other resources you might need once your hooked. 2 the beginners guide a great thread of someone elses experiances of their first few months of playing:okvery good reading and loads of helpfull tips. 3 beginners questions almost like an faq thread ,handy for a beginner. and of course the general population of the forum:ok if you want some advice or dont understand something, just ask .we all were newbies once so we know how it feels;) as for where to play i would recommend 2 sites. one is virgin this site is good for mtt freerolls,okay some people will play like idiots but its free and a good place to start. They also have the independant league on wens and sun nights:ok. a lot of players from here play these and it's a very high standard field for a freeroll,check out the relevant thread in poker leagues. also i would try bluesq i've been teaching my gf to play on here:eyes (shes actually doing okay:lol) they have free 10c giveaway stts(single table tourneys) each one has 10 players 1st gets 5c, 2nd 3c, 3rd 2c. the advantage of this is the games are only about half an hour to get to the money,so good if you only have an hour or 2 to spare. also keep a good eye on the tourney section :ok everyone posts up good games with added value or good freerolls etc,promotions come and go and this is where to keep up to date. the daily threads stickied at the top have a list of decent stuff each night. anyway good luck:ok

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn?

They also have the independant league on wens and sun nights:ok. a lot of players from here play these and it's a very high standard field for a freeroll,check out the relevant thread in poker leagues.
Good shout :ok Completely free Ed and nothing to lose - There's a trip to Vegas up for grabs each month too. Thread is here - The Independent - Virgin Poker League Dont be afraid to be a tart - follow the value, follow the freebies - no reason to spend your own money in poker at all - if you're good enough, you can build a bankroll from nothing - so every time you see a freebie, sign up - I've got over 100 poker accounts (I think :unsure) and others on here have more I'm sure.... It's only losing players who need to deposit - if you're depositing instead of withdrawing, you're doing something wrong :tongue2
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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? Brilliant stuff, thank you for those replies, the strategy forum beginners guide and novice questions section looks like the place to start and those other sites look great, qick read on the strategy forum makes me think STTs may be the best starting point, how long would they normally take on average, 30mins 1hr, 3hrs - I really haven't a clue - and do people play very loosely if it's a cheap entry fee or free as this might not be the best type of game to learn in would you think, good way to get my bearings though I suppose which is the first objective I think. Any way, thanks again, I'm off to watch HIGNFY on telly, best of luck for your Poker plpaying tonight or this weekend. Ed

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? STTs - depends on the blind structure - typically between 30 minutes and an hour. If it's free/very cheap, then your opponents will play very badly - dont assume you can learn from them. Most of your profit in poker comes, not from your own brilliance, but from your opponents ineptitude - so you make money not by doing the right thing, but by making fewer mistakes than your opponents. My view (which I know others on here disagree with - so it's a matter of personal opinion) is that you should start at the bottom (free) and build your way up. You will find your natural level, without risking any of your own money. The higher levels you play, the fewer mistakes your opponents will typically make and the harder it will be to make money. If you play with a reasonable bankroll requirement - e.g. never buy in for more than 5% of your available roll, and play the biggest value games you can afford, you should eventually settle down at the level where you break even - you'll find your spot in the pecking order - if you want to make money, you either need to play lower than this, or you need to improve your skills. Making money on the BlueSquare 10c freerolls and 10c+2c buy in games is easy - if your game is good enough, you'll soon be playing higher - if it isn't, the solution isn't to seek out harder opponents!! If you cannot beat those games, you wont beat higher games. The other thing to remember about poker is that you dont always learn by playing better opponents - if you dont know what they're doing, if they're thinking on a different level to you, then you'll just think they're getting lucky when they're outplaying you (and that's why bad players keep coming back and losing their money at poker!) There's a saying something along the lines of "If you're the 10th worst player in the world, and play against the 9 players worse than you, then you will make money. If you're the 10th best player in the world and play against the 9 players better than you, then you will lose money". This highlights how important game selection is and that you want to be playing against worse players, not better players.

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? a stt usually lasts around an hour ,the bluesq ones are probably a little quicker. in general, freerolls do have looser players but you can take advantage of this by playing tight and not putting much in unless you are very strong.however you tend to find the field starts to become a bit tighter once the idiots get knocked out and you get closer to the money,then you should start to get a more realistic poker experiance. it's a good way to start , as gaf has said with a little effort you can build up a big enough bankroll to play small stakes stts and mtts and gives you the opportunity to learn at the same time:ok

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? GAF,or anyone else, I'm sorted for BlueSq now (I already had a sportsbook account so all pretty straightforward) but when do these free STTs take place, I had a look and the lowest ones were .20 or .10? Is it the odd special promotion every now and then or are they a regular thing, perhaps I'm just not looking in the right place?

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn?

yeah in sit and go's' date='all sit and gos ,then hit the buy in tab till the freerolls hit the top(in green).under "10c giveaway sit and go's"[/quote'] either we have an echo in here or im on someones ignore list.
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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? If you're just looking to try out a game then I suggest a local pub game. The stakes are low (typically £2 to £5 for the evening, which goes into the prize fund), as is the standard of play. If you get a good crowd then it is an enjoyable night out. The biggest pub league is redtooth poker, and you can search for your nearest venue here. http://www.redtoothpoker.com/league.asp

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn?

they are happening all the time........you want to be in SNGs/All SNGS then click the buy in+fee column to sort so that the free ones are at the top in green.
yeah in sit and go's' date='all sit and gos ,then hit the buy in tab till the freerolls hit the top(in green).under "10c giveaway sit and go's"[/quote'] They can look like they're not working - but a little bit of patience and work out how they work and you'll get in when you want most of the time :ok You need to register as soon as it becomes available, then wait for the confirmation - it might take a minute or two.
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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? Played my first two freebie SnGs on Bluesq yesterday, so I'm getting my bearings now, learnt my first lesson too. Boredom and frustration at being dealt a succession of useless hands leads to playing anything which looks strong, even when someone raises all in pre flop! I called him, I had A9o and he had, of course, AK. Boo Hiss Boo:cry I lost, so did he a few hands later :lol I finished 6th both times so a pretty inauspicious start to my career as a poker legend ;) Cheers for all your help so far. Ed

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? Hi mate, Im not qualified enough to be offering advice, however I only started playing 3 months ago and this is the best place possible IMO for seeking advice and asking questions. Even the simplest question is treated with respect and is not mocked upon and you should not be afraid to ask anything mate. I first started by making a thread similar to this, and was offered a lot of the same advice that you are given here, http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f63/learning-poker-81476/ Have a read mate, at the first page (or 2) in particular, beyond that is just progression levels and asking about certain plays etc...... but the answers and advice in that thread are superb and really helped me get started. (the same route as you, 10c Bsq giveaways, and I havent had to put any of my own money in, its a good platform.). Good luck at the tables mate, you are going to need it, especially on those 10c giveways. They call AI first few hands with absolutely anything, so just sit tight, wait til you get a hand and strike....... Don't be scared to lose. Don't be mad/angry when you go All In with your AA and it gets beaten by Q3o on the river. Just play the next game in the same manner and you will get the chips/money from the same players 9 times out of 10. Regards Allan

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? Oh yes, there's normally a couple of people who just go all in straight away, so now I just fold away unless I get a pearler, like yesterday when I hit a king high flush on the flop, yippee and the fellow before me goes all in! Sucker 1-0! There seems to be a lot of sitouts as well, which rather spoils things, not sure what that's all about?

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? ive noticed 2 different kind of sit-outs, the ones that just try to sit it in to the cash, and the ones that sit-out until down to maybe 4/5 players left and then start to play. I think a few are multi-tabling and sitting out until the early round carnage is over.

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn?

Some jammy sod just went all in with 56 and hit a straight on the river beating my all in two pair KK 88. That's Poker!
That is poker indeed. What were your hole cards? I would assume KK??, did you go all in pre-flop? if so.... then you are only roughly 80% favourite depending upon suits etc..... which isnt actually that big in poker terms. Im assuming the flop has come down something like, 7,8,x turn 8, river 4 (9) ???
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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? I can't honestly remember the details now, I think I was K8, so I had two pair after the turn with only 2 or 3 of us left in and feeling a bit hot and frustrated I thought I'd go all in as people will call you in these freebies with weak hands, he called and turns over his 56 and of course over goes the river and his straight comes up. Anyway I had another bash and was third, and I won 2 cents so I'm gonna have some choccy cake to celebrate :) ;) Are there any free spreadsheets going to keep a record of one's tournament play, or all play for that matter?

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Re: Poker Newbie: Where should I play and learn? Not wanting to dampen your new found poker spirit eddie but unless i'm running really really bad 6max seems to be becoming unbeatable. I only recommend poker to my enemies these days as it's like 95% soul crushing heartache 5% enjoyment.

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