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running the clock down - ethical?


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Re: running the clock down - ethical? I do it :$ It's within the rules and can provide a significant advantage - if it spoils the game, then I view it as down to the sites to adjust their timings to something more appropriate - all the time the sites offer me time, I'm within my rights to use it.....

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Re: running the clock down - ethical? SteveO done it to me earlier..... had me sweating. As I was AI (I think) and he had me well covered. Sat there, let the clock run down, told me I had A 10. Just to get him to get a move on, I told him I would show :lol. Nerve wracking when you are on the edge I think..... but if its within the rules then I dont see a problem. Btw, he called me right. A 10.

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Re: running the clock down - ethical? Very rarely slow play the bubble, if you do your seeing less hands and therefore have less chance to accumulate chips and go on to win the tourney. Only really slowplay if playing outwith my comfort zone.

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Re: running the clock down - ethical?

Very rarely slow play the bubble, if you do your seeing less hands and therefore have less chance to accumulate chips and go on to win the tourney. Only really slowplay if playing outwith my comfort zone.
In general I agree - I like to push the bubble and take advantage. On this specific table though, the other players were putting pressure on me better than I was putting pressure on them, so I was happy to see fewer hands.
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Re: running the clock down - ethical?

SteveO done it to me earlier..... had me sweating. As I was AI (I think) and he had me well covered. Sat there, let the clock run down, told me I had A 10. Just to get him to get a move on, I told him I would show :lol. Nerve wracking when you are on the edge I think..... but if its within the rules then I dont see a problem. Btw, he called me right. A 10.
Oi that's not running the clock down:spank I had a genuine decision. I had 89 sooted and was getting the correct price to call if you had overcards and not an overpair. I didn't want to muff you so I elected to fold Sir.
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Re: running the clock down - ethical? I would take a pretty dim view of this, as would most people. The only time I would do it is against the perpetrator if I managed to regain the chip lead. The advantage gained is minimal anyhow.

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Re: running the clock down - ethical? I must admit I find it slightly annoying when people do it around the bubble and get a sense of satisfaction if those same people bust out on the bubble. :loon Having said that, it's not against the rules and they are well within their rights to do it. :\

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Re: running the clock down - ethical? I do it sometimes, but not with intention than, I am just slow and with some hands I need that time When it happens around the bubble it is bit going on my nerves, but I can't complain as I sometimes need lots time and go than on nerves of others

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Re: running the clock down - ethical? When im close to short stack playing for a seat, or cash bubble, with two or more tables open then its the perfect tool. I would use the clock to my advantage when not in hand for hand mode, it is part of the tourney and well within the rules. I have also had this strategy used against me many times, its sheer joy to see aa go out to 66 when your on the bubble. Its a big part of the game;)

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Re: running the clock down - ethical? I don't do it much myself, but I don't frown upon others doing it. It's their time to take, or not, it just depends on how they like to play it. Me, I play my normal game around the bubble, but I don't mind others that use theirs (as long as they don't push their luck by winding down the clock so much they sit out every hand ... and then come straight back. That's annoying.

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Re: running the clock down - ethical? You get given a timer and some sites a timebank, - online people are always in a rush and dont really use there timer up to think about a decision - they are there to be used so cant see the problem.

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Re: running the clock down - ethical? I do it ALL THE TIME when i have a bigstack, if i let the blinds get bigger, they will represent a bigger percentage of the shorties stack, so that way i dont have to worry about if i should call their allin because theyre pretty much commited and i can put them to sleep with ATC with a justified call on pot odds. When theres a decent bubble ahead, i will also work the clock (the final table bubble for example) and let some people kill themselves on the other tables. However, i wont work the clock for the prize bubble, its just not worth it. Regards

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Re: running the clock down - ethical? Maybe a software provider needs to look into a fun way of "discouraging" this and other slightly annoying behaviour. Ie replace the avatar of people who overuse their time banks with a duck.

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