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What are the pro's playing?


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Just looking through what the pro's online now are playing - http://www.pokerscout.com/StarFinder.aspx I'm amazed at how little NLHE there is. PLO definitely seems to be the game :loon Maybe time for me to look into PLO a bit more seriously :unsure (using the logic that the pro's probably largely know what they're doing and if they're playing PLO, then that's where the best edge should be obtainable - though also acknowledging that the level they play at may not have the same structure as the levels I play at...)

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Re: What are the pro's playing? Holdem will be more popular than PLO for a long time to come as PLO is more complicated to work out and for newbies who want to mess about but know whats going on holdem is the easy choice. Plus there's the TV factors - look at this years WSOP only 3 events are being televised in america - all no limit hold'em. General people (fish) only really know about no limit so that's where they'll be attracted to for years to come.

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Re: What are the pro's playing? NLHE small stake games are terrible you try and bluff a pot and people keep calling with pair of 6's 8 high even though the board is showing J9Q26. They move all in on people with AA or KK with there 26 and hit full houses etc. Is it me or should i avoid these small stakes like the plague? im not saying i try steal every pot but even when i sit back and watch they just call every single hand

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Re: What are the pro's playing?

NLHE small stake games are terrible you try and bluff a pot and people keep calling with pair of 6's 8 high even though the board is showing J9Q26. They move all in on people with AA or KK with there 26 and hit full houses etc. Is it me or should i avoid these small stakes like the plague? im not saying i try steal every pot but even when i sit back and watch they just call every single hand
If people played that badly at high stakes, I dont think you'd find any pro's who played anything else ;) You WANT people playing badly against you. You WANT people making mistakes against you. You WANT players calling you with worse hands. I think the assumption is that the Pro's dont play NLHE any more because players are playing better and making fewer mistakes, not because they're playing worse and making more mistakes :tongue2
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