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cant think of a thread title


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the one bloody card i didnt want on the river,apart from that did i do any wrong here? i am still feeling my way through cash so any opinions are all taken on board :ok doesnt seem to show his hand at the end,but he had J/J Everleaf Gaming Game #89069972 ***** Hand history for game #89069972 ***** Blinds $0.25/$0.50 NL Hold'em - 2009/05/29 - 22:26:02 Table Burgas Seat 1 is the button Total number of players: 4 Seat 1: NeenaThurman ( $ 49.25 USD ) Seat 2: zhuzhua ( $ 23.70 USD ) Seat 4: teaulcsg ( $ 30.60 USD ) Seat 5: StorRiskFisk ( $ 53.25 USD ) zhuzhua: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] teaulcsg: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to teaulcsg [ Qc, Qs ] StorRiskFisk folds NeenaThurman raises [$ 1.50 USD] zhuzhua raises [$ 3.25 USD] teaulcsg raises [$ 11.50 USD] NeenaThurman folds zhuzhua calls [$ 8.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 9c, 8d, 2d ] NeenaThurman has made a rebuy zhuzhua: bets [$ 11.70 USD] teaulcsg calls [$ 11.70 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Td ] ** Dealing River ** [ Qh ] zhuzhua wins $ 46.50 USD from main pot with a straight, queen high [ Qh, Js, Td, 9c, 8d ]

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Re: cant think of a thread title

Let me help you' date=' I had a bad beat and I'm not happy ;)[/quote'] :rollin:rollin:rollin but there is no such thing as a bad beat so it cant be one of them :tongue2. anyway wasnt worried about it being one or not,way past getting angry about things like that now,no, just wanted to know if the rest of you would have done the same is all :ok
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Re: cant think of a thread title If he did have a J or two then he has got figure he is behind but got lucky! Next hand move on, nothing to worry about, played it okay. You could have called the reraise to see if an A or K came on the flop but I think you were ahead so type "nice hand" and rebuy.

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