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cash game advice


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My cash game is not the strongest, especially holdem, no limit. Well i had a session and approached things completely differant for me. I tried to keep the pots low and limped with everything and folding to any raises. Well i had some success like this and tripled my starting bankroll, then bang. A player raised to 3.5 the blinds, i had limped with a-k suited, so i call the raise flop comes k-4-8 rainbow, I check, trying to trap and the other player checks. the next card is an ace, so i think i had better bet now and i get re-raised, i think great, i must be in front, i dont see him having aa or kk, so i re-raise all in, thinking or hoping to see a-q or a-j, im only playing very low limits. He turns over 4-4 for trips. Have i played this so bad, remember its very low limits, so any raise pre-flop and the player is still calling.

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Re: cash game advice If you're sitting in a deep game then you should not be going broke with AK in this spot. Once he is the raiser and you've checked to him, a lot of people will put in a c-bet. If they don't, it's possible he has flopped big - especially if he usually c-bets. Only really bad players would reraise your turn bet with AJ or AQ. I'd be flat calling we just an ace once you bet. I don't like your reraise all-in. Despite holding top two pair, once you get reraised you have to ask yourself - what am I beating? A bluff? Unlikely it's a bluff, surely he would've bet the flop (once checked) if he was making a stab? Lesser two pair? In a raised pot, as likely as rocking horse sh*t. Semi-bluff? Obviously not with no obvious draw there. Trips? Very likely. Not saying I would get away from it, but I'd only be calling his reraise and then I would be checking the river - unless I fill. This is with regards to deep(ish) stack cash games remember. If either of you are short then it's going in no matter what. :ok

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Re: cash game advice Thanks as i was saying was real low limit, where the bad players are, me for one, thats why i am down there its $0.5-0.10 lol Guess maybe im not really cut out for the cash games. Thanks for your reply, i was up to $15 from $5, so was annoyed at losing it all, but i get your point.

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Re: cash game advice i dont think there is a right or wrong play at those stakes rules dont applythey will call raisers with anything so never think they cant be calling with that cos when you call there all in chances are thats what they have

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Re: cash game advice I was in a similar position to this about a month ago and wasn't sure cash was for me. I used to only play tournaments but after a month of 6max I'm enjoying poker more than I ever have. First things first you can't let them calling down your raises put you off raising. Sure they will do it but you want them to because they are doing it with shite hands. If you're up against the stations tighten up your raising range and weight it a little towards high cards. KJ is suddenly a great hand when you know they will call with any Kx or Jx and then call three streets if a K or J high flop comes. AK is the 4th best hand you can have pre-flop so raise it. The blind will still probably call but you want him to - hes almost certainly doing it with a hand that is worse than yours. When the flop comes K-4-8 and he checks to you bet it. Sometimes he'll fold but at 10NL he'll call a lot too and trapping isn't really required. Just get a reasonable hand and bet bet bet three streets unless you are raised in which case the alarm bells start ringing because at 10NL raises = better than top pair in general (there are aggro players who this isn't true of and top pair top kicker is fine to stack off with). When you hit the A on the turn though I don't think you can get away from the hand. At 10NL you need a very very good reason to fold top two pair. The trouble with raising all in when I'm guessing the pot is fairly small is you fold out hands like AQ, AJ and KQ which will all consider calling you and you want in but will get calls from the odd set that beats you. Anyway my advice would be to stick with it a bit and try to read some of the links from this forum and others. I think it only took me a few evenings of reading threads around the internet and watching the odd video to move from being a losing cash player at any limit to being a comfortably winning player at 5NL and 10NL. Can't tell at 20NL yet but as far as I know the game doesn't get that much harder until 100NL. If you want to PM me feel free and I'll try and dig up some of the threads, articles and videos which really helped me!

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