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AA small blind mtt


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i know guys this is retarded, i knew i was beat after he called the turn with a low-ish stack. On the river it was pretty much like **** it, im going all in. I even told im i was beat b4 i went all in. He had a low stack and pretty much limped in UTG. Should i have raised more preflop? i raised 3xbb, and i guess they had position on me Full Tilt Poker Game #12173312746: $8,500 Guarantee (90894564), Table 18 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 6:20:40 ET - 2009/05/12 Seat 1: ilmagowalter (15,740) Seat 2: chipleaderOP (6,705) Seat 3: shazil (3,475), is sitting out Seat 5: Vuilis (14,322) Seat 6: ModzillaPL (5,500) Seat 7: theinformer5188 (12,135) Seat 8: iijwonii (3,065) Seat 9: msvegas808 (2,060), is sitting out ModzillaPL posts the small blind of 60 theinformer5188 posts the big blind of 120 The button is in seat #5 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to ModzillaPL [Ac Ad] iijwonii has 15 seconds left to act iijwonii calls 120 msvegas808 folds ilmagowalter folds chipleaderOP folds shazil folds Vuilis folds ModzillaPL raises to 360 theinformer5188 calls 240 iijwonii calls 240 *** FLOP *** [9c Tc 5s] ModzillaPL bets 120 theinformer5188 calls 120 iijwonii calls 120 *** TURN *** [9c Tc 5s] [2h] ModzillaPL bets 840 SoloLife30 sits down SoloLife30 adds 2,595 theinformer5188 folds iijwonii calls 840 *** RIVER *** [9c Tc 5s 2h] [7c] ModzillaPL has 15 seconds left to act ModzillaPL: u win ModzillaPL bets 4,180, and is all in iijwonii calls 1,745, and is all in Uncalled bet of 2,435 returned to ModzillaPL *** SHOW DOWN *** ModzillaPL shows [Ac Ad] a pair of Aces iijwonii shows [2c 2d] three of a kind, Twos iijwonii wins the pot (6,610) with three of a kind, Twos *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 6,610 | Rake 0 Board: [9c Tc 5s 2h 7c] Seat 1: ilmagowalter didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: chipleaderOP didn't bet (folded) Seat 3: shazil didn't bet (folded) Seat 5: Vuilis (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 6: ModzillaPL (small blind) showed [Ac Ad] and lost with a pair of Aces Seat 7: theinformer5188 (big blind) folded on the Turn Seat 8: iijwonii showed [2c 2d] and won (6,610) with three of a kind, Twos Seat 9: msvegas808 didn't bet (folded)

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Re: AA small blind mtt out of position i think you need to raise at least 4/5x bb here as that bets just asking to be called by the bb and limper. as woodie says the bet on the flop is terrible:\you should have either won an okay sized pot or at least got a bit more info,they could call your bet with so many different hands here its scary. by the turn your starting to do the right thing ,but a card to late.his call here would suggest he has a decent hand or at least a very good draw, so i would be wary from that point onwards. the rivers a pretty bad card for you and i think i would have checked,i think a lot of players would check behind with a worse hand than you and you take the pot ,however usually they would only bet if they are pretty strong with a scaryish board out there. hell i might have even checked behind with his set in that situation:unsure

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Re: AA small blind mtt

Your bet sizing on the flop is horrid I'd bet 3/4 or even the pot here.
I agree with this. Out of interest what were you hoping to achieve? I would have bet half the pot, suggesting I've got something, or I've missed with A,K. Either way it would be a tough call with 2,2.
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  • 2 months later...

Re: AA small blind mtt I think you both played the hand pretty bad if i'm honest. A much better pre-flop raise would have been to about 420 or 440 because you get more money in the pot, and will probably just lose one player and get heads up, or even take the pot down. Even if both players still call, the pot is bigger and you can put a bigger bet out there on the flop to take it down. Having said that, your flop bet was very poor, i definately agree with the others on this. You would have taken it down with a pot sized bet and won your opponents 360 in chips and so 720 - not a bad result for your stack.

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Re: AA small blind mtt

Horrible horrible bet on the flop...but so in fairness is his call' date=' especially with his stack. In fact, in my opinion he played the hand worse than you did but just got very very lucky.[/quote'] Not really.... he bets 120 chips into a 1200 pot, that screams missed flop, and maybe the guy floated it and tought he was on a good shape, after the turn... HE WAS IN A PRETTY GOOD SHAPE!!! ;) (But only because of the poor flop bet) I really dont think it was a bad preflop move, the problem was the flop bet... and the raise on the turn are just bad news, 2 pairs, sets, etc. Regards
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  • 1 month later...

Re: AA small blind mtt A good rule preflop is to raise 3xBigBlind + 1Bigblind for each limper. So in this case a raise to 480ish would have been good. The flop bet is terrible, you should always bet 1/2-3/4 of the pot if you decide to bet. no matter if you hit it or not.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: AA small blind mtt i know guys this is retarded, i knew i was beat after he called the turn with a low-ish stack. On the river it was pretty much like **** it, im going all in. I even told im i was beat b4 i went all in. This says it all really if you know you are beat then fold! I think your PF raise is to small, Once somebody else enters the pot your raise should be 4x or more imo even more so because you will have to play the remainder of this hand OOP. Bet on the flop is a waste of time needs to be much more here you are basically pricing people in to draw out on you here. As played you should not be shoving the river here EVER!

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