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Pocket 9s or 10s

Posh Punter

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Assume your in mid tournament with average number of chips. Your UTG with 9s or 10s. What would you do limp and hope to catch a set or raise and if so how much? These are proving to be bad hands for me, more often then not I raise, get called and am looking at second pair at best after the flop. I tned to limp with anything upto pocket 8s and get out of the way unless I catch the set.

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Re: Pocket 9s or 10s It depends for me on so much more - I can limp, raise or fold them. Most important is implied odds - if they are very high, then I'll probably open raise. If they are high, then I may limp or may raise (probably depending largely on position). If Implied odds are low, I probably open shove (or even open fold occasionally, from UTG when in a "defensive" payout structure!!) Chances of an overcard to 99 on the flop is I believe about 70% - so you cannot call hoping to avoid overcards.

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Re: Pocket 9s or 10s up to and including 9s I'm limping. Anything above it just depends how the table is made up and particularly who is in the blinds...but I'm probably 66% for a 3/4 pot raise as this comes across as a pretty decent raise. (although some sites seem to treat a 3/4 or pot raise in different ways which can be a bit confusing.)

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