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pays to be a donkfish at times


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playing this tonight as a filler and just for fun, ** Game ID 2545644854 starting - 2009-04-14 20:12:07 ** FREEROLL GRAND PRIX[2904655]:Table 15 [Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 NL - MTT) Real Money - superman43 sitting in seat 1 with 2220.00 - probablyme sitting in seat 2 with 2460.00 [Dealer] - spanishjoe sitting in seat 3 with 2350.00 - bicki30 sitting in seat 4 with 1950.00 - adaskooo sitting in seat 5 with 1420.00 - cashmere302 sitting in seat 6 with 1500.00 - yelir sitting in seat 7 with 1470.00 - rabmil sitting in seat 8 with 1250.00 - teaulcsg1 sitting in seat 9 with 1160.00 - blueblud1 sitting in seat 10 with 1470.00 [sitting out] spanishjoe posted the small blind - 10.00 bicki30 posted the big blind - 20.00 ** Dealing card to teaulcsg1: 8 of d, 8 of s adaskooo called - 20.00 cashmere302 called - 20.00 yelir folded rabmil called - 20.00 teaulcsg1 called - 20.00 blueblud1 folded superman43 folded probablyme raised - 80.00 spanishjoe called - 80.00 bicki30 raised - 500.00 adaskooo folded cashmere302 called - 500.00 rabmil folded teaulcsg1 went all-in - 1140.00 probablyme folded spanishjoe folded bicki30 raised - 1820.00 cashmere302 folded bicki30 shows: A of d, A of c ** Dealing the flop: 7 of d, 6 of d, 9 of d ** Dealing the turn: 10 of d ** Dealing the river: 10 of s teaulcsg1 wins 3020.00 from the main pot End of game 2545644854

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Re: pays to be a donkfish at times Funny this thread should appear, I was going to start one similar. I decided against being a "donkfish" on the first hand of the freeroll I was playing. Part of me was thinking, regardless of what I get first hand, I just go all in. I chose against it, and this is what happened. :lol :lol typical280.jpg

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