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What would you do next?


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Fold or Call? Sorry for another thread. Wanting to see what others would do in this situation? Still early in the tournament and going well (ish), and come up with this decision to make. Ive checked here, looking to see whether or not the others in the hand are sitting on anything. If they all just check instead of betting or raising then I know or am pretty certain they have nothing, so Im looking at raising if we get lower than a Q on the turn. They go all in though, so am left with a tough choice. Call with 2nd pair and hope for a K or Q on the turn or river and risk most of my stack, or fold and possibly miss out on a decent pot? foldorcall354.jpg Ill post the Hand History afterwards with the outcome.

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Re: What would you do next? because this is a $100 freeroll it's an easy call for me! I couldn't understand why the guy was pushing 4800 into a 900 pot until I saw that it was a freeroll.... he could be doing this with a wide range of hands... therefore I'm just gona gamble... he may have an overpair but I don't really care if he has as it's a freeroll and you need to get lucky in these... alternatively he could have a flush draw and then your slightly ahead. yea I'm deffo going along with him here... if you get beat your not out the tourney so easy call for me!

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Re: What would you do next? Although Gaz and TQM are correct that the standard of play could be a lot looser in a freeroll and he could have anything, I'd still fold. I appreciate that his bet of 4800 into a 900 pot is completely OTT, but there are a lot of hands out there that either beat you or have a good draw against you (ie a club). Why get involved? Treat it like any other tournament. If it was a $20 MTT my hand would have been in the muck straight away. If you call and lose you aren't out but will be left with half the average stack and only 14BB's. I'd stay out of it and wait for a better position.

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Re: What would you do next?

because this is a $100 freeroll it's an easy call for me! I couldn't understand why the guy was pushing 4800 into a 900 pot until I saw that it was a freeroll.... he could be doing this with a wide range of hands... therefore I'm just gona gamble... he may have an overpair but I don't really care if he has as it's a freeroll and you need to get lucky in these... alternatively he could have a flush draw and then your slightly ahead. yea I'm deffo going along with him here... if you get beat your not out the tourney so easy call for me!
Well, You're behind to anyone holding 22, 88, QQ, Q2, Q8, 82 and any two Clubs......but it's a Freeroll so I'd call and expect to be ahead!:lol:lol:lol TQM
Well, as it turns out I wasn't ahead at the Flop, but I wasn't behind either as the guy pushing in 4800 was also on K,Q.
Although Gaz and TQM are correct that the standard of play could be a lot looser in a freeroll and he could have anything, I'd still fold. I appreciate that his bet of 4800 into a 900 pot is completely OTT, but there are a lot of hands out there that either beat you or have a good draw against you (ie a club). Why get involved? Treat it like any other tournament. If it was a $20 MTT my hand would have been in the muck straight away. If you call and lose you aren't out but will be left with half the average stack and only 14BB's. I'd stay out of it and wait for a better position.
That is what I'm trying my best to do, be as disciplined as possible regardless of the level. I would have had less than 14 BB's as well, as there was just over 2 mins left of level 3m and Im pretty sure it was 5min blinds.
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Re: What would you do next? Turned out I made the right call but not for the reasons I expected. I was too busy focusing on the guy who came in with 4800 that I forgot about the short stack :lol ** Hand # 2531496301 starting - 2009-04-07 18:29:07 ** $100 Freeroll[2872396]:Table 189 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (100.00|200.00 NL - MTT) Real Money busterkeaton sitting in seat 1 with 850.00[sitting out] sihver sitting in seat 2 with 1440.00 brunoaissix sitting in seat 3 with 5000.00 jacekocean sitting in seat 4 with 240.00 kennyX-305 sitting in seat 5 with 795.00 wildcard84 sitting in seat 6 with 4983.74 cafri sitting in seat 7 with 740.00 greenhand0 sitting in seat 8 with 863.76[Dealer] ruleb sitting in seat 10 with 6480.00 ruleb posted the small blind - 50.00 busterkeaton posted the big blind - 100.00 ** Dealing cards to ruleb: Ks, Qd sihver folded brunoaissix called - 100.00 jacekocean called - 100.00 kennyX-305 called - 100.00 wildcard84 folded cafri folded greenhand0 folded ruleb raised to 200.00 busterkeaton folded brunoaissix called - 200.00 jacekocean called - 200.00 kennyX-305 called - 200.00 ** Dealing the flop: 2c, Qc, 8c ruleb checked brunoaissix went all-in - 4800.00 jacekocean went all-in - 40.00 kennyX-305 folded ruleb folded brunoaissix shows: Qs, Kd jacekocean shows: 6c, 9d ** Dealing the turn: 9h ** Dealing the river: 10c jacekocean wins 980.00 from the main pot Was shit though, because I finished down the field going all in with 27k chips with AA against the bullying chip leader who was raising and re-raising every hand. He had 2s and 2c and hit 2d on the river :lol So a set of 2's beat my pocket A's :lol

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Re: What would you do next?

So a set of 2's beat my pocket A's :lol
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaat's poker :wall:wall :lol I went out of 2 tourneys this afternoon within 13 minutes, holding :Ad::As: both times! :lol First one on a 57Q flop, all the chips went in - he had 69 (I had obv raised preflop, and he called with that :D lol), and the 8 came on turn. Second one aipf against :Ah::Qc: - ccxcc on the board! :lol You gotta laugh eh? ;) that or cry :rollin
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