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Re: poker sites Im new to Poker myself and have been playing a lot of freerolls. Been playing the Blue Square SnG freerolls, and occasionally 10c games for a couple of weeks with mixed success but they are very very regular and capped at 25 per day. (more than sufficent IMO) Have also been playing the GNUF freerolls the past few nights @ 6pm. One tonight @ 6pm and the $500 freeroll @ 7pm. (Best result is 712th of 12781 players). And at 8:35pm there is the daily UK freeroll on Full Tilt which I have now played twice. (Finished in the top 200 last night and was delighted with it). Some sites as far as I can tell also have new member freerolls?

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Re: poker sites Good value freerolls have completely dried up Jackie, all to do with the credit crunch no doubt. I've been playing the better freerolls since late 2003 and have done quite nicely from them. At the moment there are none out there, as far as I'm aware, with a value better than 20c per player (i.e. $300 prize pool with 1500 players). :sad

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Re: poker sites

Good value freerolls have completely dried up Jackie' date=' all to do with the credit crunch no doubt. I've been playing the better freerolls since late 2003 and have done quite nicely from them. At the moment there are none out there, as far as I'm aware, with a value better than 20c per player (i.e. $300 prize pool with 1500 players). :sad[/quote'] Im not yet anywhere near the level where I am looking for a good value freeroll. Im happy to be slowly building a bankroll from zilch and getting as much experience as possible playing in the 12,000 player MTT freeroll's for a $100 pool or in tonights case maximum of 2,000 players for $500 pool.
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Re: poker sites

Im not yet anywhere near the level where I am looking for a good value freeroll. Im happy to be slowly building a bankroll from zilch and getting as much experience as possible playing in the 12' date='000 player MTT freeroll's for a $100 pool or in tonights case maximum of 2,000 players for $500 pool.[/quote'] Thats fair enough RB. The only problem with the low value freerolls is nobody gives a sh1t and thus you see some really terrible play. With the freerolls that used to have more value you would at least see a decent standard of play from the mid point of the tournament onwards. Q. Why does the terrible play matter? A. It teaches you bad habits.
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Re: poker sites

Thats fair enough RB. The only problem with the low value freerolls is nobody gives a sh1t and thus you see some really terrible play. With the freerolls that used to have more value you would at least see a decent standard of play from the mid point of the tournament onwards. Q. Why does the terrible play matter? A. It teaches you bad habits.
Should just add, I dont just play the small value freerolls. For instance, whilst I was logged on to Full Tilt last night playing the freeroll, I also had another table open that I was observing, I think the entry was $150 + $13, and the play on that table was like a completely different game to the one I was playing in. I would like to think that I have a slight advantage starting out in poker, as the experiences you lot have and are willing to share is extremely valuable (especially to newcomers), and Im not afraid to come on here and ask questions even if it does make me look silly. So although Im playing in low value freerolls, where the general play is terrible and bad habits can be picked up, I would like to think I would keep my head on my shoulders and actually think about what Im doing myself and not allow myself to copy others and not allow myself to think that just because I have won 40 + Bluesquare SnG freerolls, Im capable of stepping up and playing at a high level with the same play.
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Re: poker sites If you really want to learn - then sign up to deucescracked for a week (cancel within 1 week and they dont take any money) - none of their videos are protected, so you can download the entire library in that week if you want ;)

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Re: poker sites I'll let you in on a couple of freerolls which I have done very well on. Goalwin 7pm every night $150.Tonight 385 runners.17 get paid Bruce poker 8pm every night $50(tonight 88 runners) 17 paid and twice a week $250 freeroll(124 runners) 20 paid. Good thing about ongame is you can play both at same time.

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Re: poker sites Here's one for you JackieM. Pokertime are having 10 $200 MidMonthMadness freerolls starting tomorrow night at 10pm.You'll find it under Loyalty Tournaments. Top 10 get paid.

1 $ 50.00
2 $ 35.00
3 $ 35.00
4 $ 25.00
5 $ 15.00
6 $ 11.00
7 $ 10.00
8 $ 9.00
9 $ 8.00
10 $ 7.00
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Re: poker sites

just finish a freeroll on full tilt 1.377 it started with and i went out 14th :D
:clap:clap I went out much earlier than that :$ Teaches me for going kamikaze with 30k chips on AQ :lol Thought this other guy was bluffing as he showed his hands a lot and was raising and winning pots with ridiculous hands like 24o, 38o etc..... So I took him on with As, Qs flop went Qd,4c,8h. So Im definitely sitting pretty in my eyes :lol. Turn Ac and River 5d. Im thinking his bets have calmed down this hand so he senses Im on something, so with the river I decide to take the pot down there and then. (30kish) and put in my last 15k. (to earn 50% profit overall). He calls :eek and turns over Ad, Ah :lol:lol:lol:lol I was NEVER ahead :lol:lol
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Re: poker sites

If you really want to learn - then sign up to deucescracked for a week (cancel within 1 week and they dont take any money) - none of their videos are protected' date=' so you can download the entire library in that week if you want ;)[/quote'] Oops - sorry - my post there not really on topic :$ I thought I'd posted that in RB's thread :$
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