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Benchmarking April - Moving to Devilfish


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Have PM'd the active members of the Benchmarking and on the basis of the responses I have had, I am going to move the April benchmarking to Devilfish. This will enable the benchmarkers to take advantage of Exclusive to Punters Lounge - Devilfish Points Race as well as the rakeback on offer. If you may submit hands for benchmarking in April, please could you tell me (by PM or email) what limits you are most likely to play, and approximately how many hands you think you will play over the month. I'll use that to decide what levels to benchmark and make an announcement Thursday or Friday. Official start date will be Saturday 4th April, however I will leave any hands in from today onwards that you may have played.

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Re: Benchmarking April - Moving to Devilfish Nice one BJ :ok You need to email me your Hand History once a week (or as you go along if you prefer) and I will do it all from there. The "cut off" is 9am each Saturday morning (the idea being not that I am sent files at the crack of dawn Saturday morning, but that files are sent to me after you finish your last session of the week upto friday night) I'll let you know an anonymous alias by PM (I hope there are other new players, or you've just told everyone who you'll be :lol :lol :lol :tongue2)

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Re: Benchmarking April - Moving to Devilfish No you dont need Pokertacker to participate in the benchmarking. Having said that, I think the overwhelming majority of people who play cash games, should use PokerTracker (or equivalent, which at the moment is HEM). I havent looked at Entraction at all yet - will have a play tonight and try and familiarise myself with the setup :ok

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Re: Benchmarking April - Moving to Devilfish I got it all sorted last night but there are a couple of problems: 1) The table is pretty crowded with the HUD. It was difficult to see who was the dealer, who was still left in the hand and my own cards if I was in the top left position. 2) It seemed to count the amount won as the total pot, effectively counting money I won twice while counting money I lost once. Has anyone else experienced 2)? The first one is probably down to me playing 4 tables on a small screen. GaF - I forgot all about sending my hands over and won't be able to get to my laptop until tomorrow afternoon now. I know you're concentrating on €0.10/0.20, shall I send this weeks and next weeks over next friday?

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Re: Benchmarking April - Moving to Devilfish Is this Boss hands for "March"? I wont be looking at Devilfish hands at all this weekend, but the Boss is "month end", so planning a larger collection of stats - if you are talking Boss hands, then I can leave it till Sunday and wait for your files :ok

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Re: Benchmarking April - Moving to Devilfish I've actually received the grand total of .......... :drums:drums:drums:drums .......... zero hands for the benchmarking so far this month :lol :lol :lol I take responsability for that - I havent played any hands yet :$ so not figured out anything (like where hand history files are stored) - if people are still planning on doing this, could you let me know (maybe by PM) and I'll get some momentum behind it (If not I'll let it die quietly ;) )

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Re: Benchmarking April - Moving to Devilfish

I've actually received the grand total of .......... :drums:drums:drums:drums .......... zero hands for the benchmarking so far this month :lol :lol :lol I take responsability for that - I havent played any hands yet :$ so not figured out anything (like where hand history files are stored) - if people are still planning on doing this, could you let me know (maybe by PM) and I'll get some momentum behind it (If not I'll let it die quietly ;) )
You can set the HH file to any folder you want I think ...... but be warned I am no expert on this subject !!
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