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Benchmarking: The Future of


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Interest does seem to be on the slide for this - I'm interested if anyone (well those involved or those who are considering becoming involved - not those just interested in putting the boot in!!!) has any feedback to offer. What could be better about it? What improvements could be made? The lowest level (5c/10c) seems to have been especially hard hit - so could well pull the plug on this next month. I'm not sure anyone is ready yet for a higher level than 12c/25c :unsure

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Re: Benchmarking: The Future of I don't think players are using the opportunity to fully take advantage to analyse their stats (myself included). Because of this their game is stagnant or they aren't making as much as they did from tournaments so they have stopped playing. I think a certain level of dropping out was always going to happen. As with a lot of things, you get out what you put in so I don't think it should be down to just you to make improvements.

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