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200903W3 Benchmarking - Who's running good and who's running bad?


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New feature on the latest PT3 beta - All in EV graphs. If the green line is above the blue line, then you have been luckier than you should have been. If the blue line is above the green line, then you have been unluckier than you should have been. Overall, I dont really care if I'm luck or unlucky (that's a short term phenomenon) - however, for these situations where you are all in, the blue line is probably more important than the green line. This is across both limits - I havent seperated out NL10 and NL25. One graph to follow per player.....

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Re: 200903W3 Benchmarking - Who's running good and who's running bad? I'm afraid that I cannot absolutely confirm that that may be an unrepresentative derepresentation of an inaccurate negative ev chart for the member who may or may not be known as teaulc (or similar) I hope that helps clarify the issue for you :ok

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