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Exit hand from Sunday Warm Up


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Here is my exit hand from last night's Sunday Warm Up. There was about 20 players to go before the next jump in payout (from 870 to 970). Blinds are 4k/8k with an 800 ante, so 19,200 chips in every pot. M is around 45. I've not shown a hand down for an hour, but have picked up pots with raises/re-raises pre-flop to maintain my stack. Chip Leader is raising most hands, and taking down most pots uncontested. PokerStars Game #26251462835: Tournament #147627575, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level XIX (4000/8000) - 2009/03/22 18:45:45 ET Table '147627575 84' 9-max Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: Exclusive (166939 in chips) Seat 2: carrotsnake (178264 in chips) Seat 3: lara15fiona (257307 in chips) Seat 4: Bushman (131406 in chips) Seat 5: MrTricky (90568 in chips) Seat 6: McClaud (92672 in chips) Seat 7: Abziikzn (723110 in chips) Seat 8: try2beat (49200 in chips) Seat 9: Flery (298942 in chips) Exclusive: posts the ante 800 carrotsnake: posts the ante 800 lara15fiona: posts the ante 800 Bushman: posts the ante 800 MrTricky: posts the ante 800 McClaud: posts the ante 800 Abziikzn: posts the ante 800 try2beat: posts the ante 800 Flery: posts the ante 800 Bushman: posts small blind 4000 MrTricky: posts big blind 8000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to MrTricky [2s 2h] McClaud: folds Abziikzn: raises 32000 to 40000 try2beat: folds Flery: folds Exclusive: folds carrotsnake: folds lara15fiona: folds Bushman: folds MrTricky: raises 49768 to 89768 and is all-in Abziikzn: calls 49768 *** FLOP *** [Kh 4c 8c] *** TURN *** [Kh 4c 8c] [Th] *** RIVER *** [Kh 4c 8c Th] [Jd] pudwelino [observer] said, "lol" *** SHOW DOWN *** MrTricky: shows [2s 2h] (a pair of Deuces) Abziikzn: shows [7h 8h] (a pair of Eights) Abziikzn collected 190736 from pot I was fairly certain he didn't have a pair, and was looking to double up to give myself a chance of a big cash, rather than just limp into the next payout level. I knew I'd be racing, but was happy to take the chance. I'm still happy with the way I played it, but would be interested to see what others would have done.

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Re: Exit hand from Sunday Warm Up Yup fold also for me here - he's such a big stack its difficult to see him folding for the extra 50k. Its very difficult to to find the right spot with such a big stack on board, but you still have a big enough stack to pick up the blinds and antes whilst waiting for the right opportunity. I may have been tempted to push with a more medium pair but with 2's your usually a slight underdog, and you've a bit more time left to wait for a better race. (I presume you meant your M is 4.5 ?)

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