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the suck-out thread


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Re: the suck-out thread I dont think theres any way whatsoever of anyone ever beating this suck out!!! Happened tonight in the live game i run at Hebburn Legion. Im on BB with :Kh: :Th:, and get raised to 600 with blinds 100-200 (ave stack 4.5k) to which i decide to call. Flop comes :Kd: :Qh: :7d: He Checks and i bet out for 525 for him to think and re-raise me all in.......im thinkin for ages and ages as i know his game well, and decide he either has a monster (AK, KK, QQ, 77) or nothing at all and is trying it on......so i call as I have him covered by 2k ish. He turns over :Qs: :Qc: and im completely crushed!!! Until...... Turn :Jh: River :Ah: and im given my 1st Royal Flush and taking Geordiegaz's dad out in the process!:puke

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Re: the suck-out thread

I dont think theres any way whatsoever of anyone ever beating this suck out!!! Happened tonight in the live game i run at Hebburn Legion. Im on BB with :Kh: :Th:, and get raised to 600 with blinds 100-200 (ave stack 4.5k) to which i decide to call. Flop comes :Kd: :Qh: :7d: He Checks and i bet out for 525 for him to think and re-raise me all in.......im thinkin for ages and ages as i know his game well, and decide he either has a monster (AK, KK, QQ, 77) or nothing at all and is trying it on......so i call as I have him covered by 2k ish. He turns over :Qs: :Qc: and im completely crushed!!! Until...... Turn :Jh: River :Ah: and im given my 1st Royal Flush and taking Geordiegaz's dad out in the process!:puke
standard - u've got a 30% chance on turn, also got 15 outs!! ;)
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Re: the suck-out thread ***** Hand 1513328223 ***** 2.50/5.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 21 March 2009 10:13:45 Table TH 568 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 2: the_mole (500.00) Seat 3: payplease1 (413.24) Seat 4: marsu32 (1103.84) Seat 5: viivi1 (340.45) Seat 1: E@SY (493.55) E@SY post SB 2.50 the_mole post BB 5.00 ** Deal ** the_mole [2h, 7d] payplease1 [N/A, N/A] marsu32 [N/A, N/A] viivi1 [N/A, N/A] E@SY [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** payplease1 Fold marsu32 Raise to 17.50 viivi1 Fold E@SY Fold the_mole Raise to 55.00 marsu32 Raise to 122.50 the_mole Call 122.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [4h, Qd, 2d] *** Bet Round 2 *** the_mole Check marsu32 Check *** Turn(Board): *** : [4h, Qd, 2d, 5d] *** Bet Round 3 *** the_mole Bet 145.00 marsu32 All-in 981.34 the_mole All-in 377.50 *** River(Board): *** : [4h, Qd, 2d, 5d, 7c] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 999.50 the_mole [2h, 7d] Two pair sevens and deuces Win: 999.50 payplease1 Fold Win: 0.00 marsu32 [Ac, As] Pair of aces Win: 0.00 viivi1 Fold Win: 0.00 E@SY Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: the suck-out thread Thought we should put the percentages up, otherwise will just end un with loads of 49%-51% shots where you win :tongue2 Post 1 - Teaulc - dont know when the money went in - would presume pre flop - 23% (v58% v 18%) Post 4 - Heniek - 20% (v64% v16%) Post 5 - Morl - 8% (v92%) Post 8 - The Mole - 32% (v68%) - but 72o cracking AA :loon :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: the suck-out thread

***** Hand 1513328223 ***** 2.50/5.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 21 March 2009 10:13:45 Table TH 568 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 2: the_mole (500.00) Seat 3: payplease1 (413.24) Seat 4: marsu32 (1103.84) Seat 5: viivi1 (340.45) Seat 1: E@SY (493.55) E@SY post SB 2.50 the_mole post BB 5.00 ** Deal ** the_mole [2h, 7d] payplease1 [N/A, N/A] marsu32 [N/A, N/A] viivi1 [N/A, N/A] E@SY [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** payplease1 Fold marsu32 Raise to 17.50 viivi1 Fold E@SY Fold the_mole Raise to 55.00 marsu32 Raise to 122.50 the_mole Call 122.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [4h, Qd, 2d] *** Bet Round 2 *** the_mole Check marsu32 Check *** Turn(Board): *** : [4h, Qd, 2d, 5d] *** Bet Round 3 *** the_mole Bet 145.00 marsu32 All-in 981.34 the_mole All-in 377.50 *** River(Board): *** : [4h, Qd, 2d, 5d, 7c] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 999.50 the_mole [2h, 7d] Two pair sevens and deuces Win: 999.50 payplease1 Fold Win: 0.00 marsu32 [Ac, As] Pair of aces Win: 0.00 viivi1 Fold Win: 0.00 E@SY Fold Win: 0.00
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Re: the suck-out thread

we have superflop thread and royal flush thread,now we have the suck-out thread.....:nana:nana and i am proud to start it off :dude:dude f_suckout1m_57bb05c.jpg
Theres something very wrong with this post you bloody won the hand Al maybe the tide is turning :lol:lol:lol:lol
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Re: the suck-out thread What can I say? :$ :loon Pre-flop limp, limp meant there was a nice pot there and I wanted it, hence my raise with nothing. Two calls and I didn't know what they had but didn't take them for strong and figured weak-ish Aces :lol Post-flop, first to act, I have top pair and if they have Aces I don't want to give them the odds to draw to the 10 so I shoved to give them a (I hoped) difficult decision....

Full Tilt Poker Game #11279564588: $3 + $0.30 KO Sit & Go (84777061), Table 7 - 150/300 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:03:19 ET - 2009/03/22 Seat 1: nachomula (18,474) Seat 2: Q Huff (1,433) Seat 3: DeadwoodSpear (6,075) Seat 4: Toffee Pete (9,262) Seat 5: Big BaerEE (12,302) Seat 6: CmonCall (6,668) Seat 7: xrama (6,846) Seat 8: ch1p5tack (2,245) nachomula antes 25 Q Huff antes 25 DeadwoodSpear antes 25 Toffee Pete antes 25 Big BaerEE antes 25 CmonCall antes 25 xrama antes 25 ch1p5tack antes 25 Toffee Pete posts the small blind of 150 Big BaerEE posts the big blind of 300 The button is in seat #3 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Toffee Pete [:4d: :Ks:] CmonCall folds xrama folds ch1p5tack folds nachomula calls 300 Q Huff folds DeadwoodSpear calls 300 Toffee Pete raises to 1,300 Big BaerEE has 15 seconds left to act Big BaerEE folds nachomula calls 1,000 DeadwoodSpear calls 1,000 *** FLOP *** [:Qh: :Kd: :Js:] Toffee Pete bets 7,937, and is all in nachomula has 15 seconds left to act nachomula calls 7,937 DeadwoodSpear calls 4,750, and is all in Toffee Pete shows [4d Ks] nachomula shows [:Ah: :As:] DeadwoodSpear shows [:Qs: :Jh:] *** TURN *** [Qh Kd Js] [:4s:] *** RIVER *** [Qh Kd Js 4s] [:6c:] Toffee Pete shows two pair, Kings and Fours nachomula shows a pair of Aces Toffee Pete wins the side pot (6,374) with two pair, Kings and Fours DeadwoodSpear shows two pair, Queens and Jacks Toffee Pete wins the main pot (18,650) with two pair, Kings and Fours DeadwoodSpear stands up
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Re: the suck-out thread If this post has no place in this thread, then feel free to remove Basically, we had gone for about 20/30 hands, and I didnt once have a hand which I felt I could play. Every time Id tried bluffing, I was re-raised or called and I was pretty much forced to fold. This time around, I decided to try and bluff by raising from the outset, and when I was re-raised I knew I was going to be left with a hell of a short stack, so I was commited to the pot, and went all in. I was dismayed when the flop brought out another J, to give him a pair, then the A had him sitting with 2 pairs, then even though it was only a freeroll, I was dancing about the living room when the River brings out the Q, giving me a Straight. Cant remember what % chance I had, but Im sure it was pretty low. winner230.jpg

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Re: the suck-out thread GAME #2141014992: Texas Hold'em NL Tournament 2009-03-24 22:29:28 Table BE OUR SPONSORED PRO Event #8, 276111342, 2412169521 (Tournament: BE OUR SPONSORED PRO Event #8 Buy-In: $10+$1) Seat 1: D00MTRAIN ($2,550.00 in chips) Seat 2: chugger85 ($20,430.00 in chips) Seat 3: GerryBishop ($19,201.25 in chips) Seat 4: kayleighm ($7,530.00 in chips) Seat 5: LaoLao2008 ($2,080.00 in chips) Seat 6: Hemmings7 ($10,565.00 in chips) Seat 7: endakendrick ($17,110.00 in chips) Seat 8: pkrmstr ($25,910.00 in chips) DEALER D00MTRAIN: Post Ante $120.00 chugger85: Post Ante $120.00 GerryBishop: Post Ante $120.00 kayleighm: Post Ante $120.00 LaoLao2008: Post Ante $120.00 Hemmings7: Post Ante $120.00 endakendrick: Post Ante $120.00 pkrmstr: Post Ante $120.00 D00MTRAIN: Post SB $600.00 chugger85: Post BB $1,200.00 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to D00MTRAIN [C3 S3] GerryBishop: Call $1,200.00 kayleighm: Fold LaoLao2008: Fold Hemmings7: Fold endakendrick: Fold pkrmstr: Call $1,200.00 D00MTRAIN: Raise (NF) $2,430.00 chugger85: Fold GerryBishop: Call $1,230.00 pkrmstr: Call $1,230.00 *** FLOP *** [C8 D6 HJ] GerryBishop: Bet $16,651.25 pkrmstr: Fold *** TURN *** [H8] *** RIVER *** [D3] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $26,101.25 Rake -$120.00 GerryBishop: Shows [CA CJ] D00MTRAIN: wins $9,450.00 :dude:dude:dude:dude

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Re: the suck-out thread Playing live again at aspers tonight..... Im dealt JJ and isolate a previous all in......3 callers..... Me UTG +1: JJ +2 : QQ +3 : AA UTG : 10 10 BB shows a folded J10 diams....... I spike a J on flop and board pairs 6's and I win the 4 way all in Ended up splitting 4 ways and taking £410 EACH

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Re: the suck-out thread

Playing live again at aspers tonight..... Im dealt JJ and isolate a previous all in......3 callers..... Me UTG +1: JJ +2 : QQ +3 : AA UTG : 10 10 BB shows a folded J10 diams....... I spike a J on flop and board pairs 6's and I win the 4 way all in Ended up splitting 4 ways and taking £410 EACH
Nice hand!! if only I had half of your luck at that final table!!! :eyes well played though... look forward to me £29!! :loon
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Re: the suck-out thread after the flop you were 1.82% to his 98.18% so a definate suck out. well done ;)

Not sure about the odds, but know I was behind when the money went in..... Dont know if I was behind enough to qualify as a suck out, (I dont know the criteria) but Ill chance it anyway. whatodds297.jpg
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Re: the suck-out thread

Not sure about the odds, but know I was behind when the money went in..... Dont know if I was behind enough to qualify as a suck out, (I dont know the criteria) but Ill chance it anyway.
Is it too late for me to reconsider my staking offer? :tongue2
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