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Straight flush draw - thoughts?


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Me and villain had a fair bit of history, he'd made a point of stealing my blind 3 times the last 5 orbits, I had 63o etc every time and gave em up. He'd actually made a point of telling me he wanted my blind in the chatbox lol. He opened from the cutoff for 2bb (antes were in the pot too), he'd raised 3x his last steal attempts i think. I read this as weakness and popped it up hoping to take it down now but with a semi-genuine hand from the SB. BB folds. When he flats I'm 90% sure I'm ahead (at least 50/50) and I flop a gutshot straight flush draw. Wasn't pleased with the paired board but he doesn't have QQ ever here. QT is a possibility though. I bet 1/2 pot (my standard bet) and he minraised. What next? GAME #2113712783: Texas Hold'em NL Tournament 2009-03-12 22:31:13 Table Inside Poker $1 GUKPT Frenzy, 271277766, -1983702295 (Tournament: Inside Poker $1 GUKPT Frenzy Buy-In: $1+$0) Seat 1: astonville ($3,260.00 in chips) Seat 2: nomisyam ($13,492.50 in chips) Seat 3: Owlo ($20,210.00 in chips) Seat 4: Villain ($32,107.50 in chips) Seat 6: JELLYFISH1980 ($13,426.00 in chips) DEALER Seat 7: Hero ($20,355.00 in chips) Seat 9: FENNERPL ($36,475.00 in chips) Seat 10: goddelusion1 ($5,375.00 in chips) Hero: Post SB $250.00 FENNERPL: Post BB $500.00 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Hero [:Ac: :Jc:] goddelusion1: Fold astonville: Fold nomisyam: Fold Owlo: Fold Villain: Raise $1,000.00 JELLYFISH1980: Fold Hero: Raise $2,500.00 FENNERPL: Fold APWAPW: Call $1,500.00 *** FLOP *** [:Qc: :Ts: :Tc:] (Pot 5,900) Hero: Bet $2,950.00 Villain: Raise $5,900.00 Hero???? Oh and the tourney had a 1st prize of $2500 and 2nd prize of $109. I wasn't too worried about busting, just getting chips. 22 players left, 20 cash (but I think we were all playing for 1st).

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Re: Straight flush draw - thoughts? Given the wide range of hands he could have here, I don't think you can be too worried about the full house, especially as he raises you on the flop. He may have trips but, again, is he raising that on the flop? So in most instances you have any A, K or club for the pot. If I'm playing to win the tournament (which everyone always should be), I'm getting all my chips in on the flop if possible.

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Re: Straight flush draw - thoughts? Shove.. even if it is a percentage tourney.... SHOVE!!!!!!! I have always said... miniraises are one of two things... monsters or complete shi**, so, in my opinion this is an obvious shove, i think you have AT LEAST 14 outs Regards

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Re: Straight flush draw - thoughts? BTW, its a royal flush draw. Im all in, as well. Its a freeroll and bubble is not important here. Its only $11 to win and then another 10 places before goes up. Knowing this guy is very loose (and I remember him) no letting go here.

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Re: Straight flush draw - thoughts? After the hand I kinda started doubting myself thinkin I should've seen the minraise on the flop as strength and put him on at least the ten. I thought I got carried away with the prospect of only my 2nd royal flush and should've folded. But now I agree with everyone else. All my probable outs+FE against a maniac and it's an easy shove next time too I think. What's everyone think of this as a range? Text results appended to pokerstove.txt 76,230 games 0.002 secs 38,115,000 games/sec Board: Tc Ts Qc Dead: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 44.161% 43.64% 00.52% 33268 396.00 { AcJc } Hand 1: 55.839% 55.32% 00.52% 42170 396.00 { TT, AQs, ATs, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, AQo, ATo, KTo+, QTo+, JTo, T9o } ---

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