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Learning Poker


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Re: Learning Poker FIrst hand - I'm not sure I'm raising (in fact I know I'm not :tongue2) with Q9s there for a quarter of my stack in mid position - you wont often flop a flush (even more so with your opponent flopping top pair top kicker). SImilar story for the second hand - early position and you min raise with Q7o - bad cards and bad position. I'm folding pre flop.

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Re: Learning Poker The 1st hand was really bourne out of frustration. I hadnt played a hand in fcuking ages, so tried to get myself involved, if for nothing else than to gain a few chips from blinds. The 2nd hand, again I was initially looking to take the blinds, but the other guy came in, as he seemed to be doing every 3rd or 4th hand regardless of what he might have or might not have had. I honestly believed he was bluffing in an attempt to get chips from me, as he had been doing previously to others. Then when the Q came on the turn, I was extremely confident I had him beat.

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Re: Learning Poker Ah - discipline and patience are key skills in poker, and sounds like you lost them in the first hand (and got lucky) :) The second hand - pre flop, Q7 will be beat (by one opponent) about 50% of the time (it's called the "computer hand" because it's been calculated to be an exactly average hand) - with 4 players to act after you, and especially with someone who will call light who has position on you (indeed has the button) - your chances of going into the flop ahead are extremely slim - you need to be playing your marginal hands when the position is better (and you have post flop position over those who cannot lay a hand down). before the turn, you've put 30% of your stack in with Queen high (and as you can see - he was ahead of you pre flop and on the flop)

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Re: Learning Poker So how did playing a MTT with a big players field feel like? You enjoyed it more then SnG? :poker About the hands you posted. Both were initially attempts to steal. I hope our best stealers would give you feedback about that. :unsure I will only comment about the second hand. I didn't like it. Preflop it was a bad hand, the position was also bad and it was against the chipleader on the table who could afford to call you for all your chips if he made a decent hit. Trying to bluf him away post flop when you hit nothing, and even calling a raise meant risking being pot commit with nothing but air. He showed you more then enough signs that he was not going to fold. Did you really think that you could make him fold that hand after you make the call for 2200? The turn saved you though, and after that it was all sunshine again, but you really shouldn't have been in that situation to begin with. :\ Next time you bluf try to pick a better moment/position preflop. First understand how and when you can use semi bluffs before you enter the twilight zone of bluffing with air. What was the hand that got you knocked out? since that was also initialy a steal where you didn't make a hit and got pot commited.:unsure

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Re: Learning Poker I am far from an expert about the sacred art of stealing in poker though. I am sure there are better stealers then me here :P. I hope they are willing to shine their wisdom on these steal attempts and they may totally disagree with my comment. Actually I hope so, so I might learn something too. Stealing with air is something I acknowledge not to grasp yet :P

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Re: Learning Poker

Ah - discipline and patience are key skills in poker' date= and sounds like you lost them in the first hand (and got lucky) :) The second hand - pre flop, Q7 will be beat (by one opponent) about 50% of the time (it's called the "computer hand" because it's been calculated to be an exactly average hand) - with 4 players to act after you, and especially with someone who will call light who has position on you (indeed has the button) - your chances of going into the flop ahead are extremely slim - you need to be playing your marginal hands when the position is better (and you have post flop position over those who cannot lay a hand down). before the turn, you've put 30% of your stack in with Queen high (and as you can see - he was ahead of you pre flop and on the flop)
Hold my hands up to that. Generally speaking, Im quite patient. Was down to something like 800 chips tonight, having not played a single hand. Second hand, I had him bluffing pre flop and flop (WRONGLY), as he had been doing it consistently. Bad read from me there, but equally bad read from him, especially on river when Ive went all in with the trips.
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Re: Learning Poker

So how did playing a MTT with a big players field feel like? You enjoyed it more then SnG? :poker About the hands you posted. Both were initially attempts to steal. I hope our best stealers would give you feedback about that. :unsure I will only comment about the second hand. I didn't like it. Preflop it was a bad hand, the position was also bad and it was against the chipleader on the table who could afford to call you for all your chips if he made a decent hit. Trying to bluf him away post flop when you hit nothing, and even calling a raise meant risking being pot commit with nothing but air. He showed you more then enough signs that he was not going to fold. Did you really think that you could make him fold that hand after you make the call for 2200? The turn saved you though, and after that it was all sunshine again, but you really shouldn't have been in that situation to begin with. :\ Next time you bluf try to pick a better moment/position preflop. First understand how and when you can use semi bluffs before you enter the twilight zone of bluffing with air. What was the hand that got you knocked out? since that was also initialy a steal where you didn't make a hit and got pot commited.:unsure
Thanks for your input mate, its much appreciated. Funny thing is, initally I didnt set out to steal pots. that only seemed to come into the game as the numbers became less and the blinds got higher. However, I had a high success rate with it, by varying how much I raised etc.... Jd 8d I went all in with, think it was 10h 2d 9h on board, with 3d and As river. He was holding Kh Ah. Didnt go all in pre-flop. Went all in on the turn, with an open ended straight draw and a J high flush draw. He called with A high flush draw. On the showdown it ended with him hitting the river card. Shit happens. But just wondered if I should have left alone/ And yes mate, I loved it. Its good to play against some players who give it some thought and aren't going all in with 25o and hitting full houses on the flop :rollin
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Re: Learning Poker You did really well :ok Wait untill you feel the rush of your first MTT win with a large players field. Your first... I think every poker player remembers that :tongue2. You played with patience in the start, and later you adapted to the table dynamics, and seemed like you were getting in touch with the flow of the players and used your readings against them. That got you deep in the MTT. Try to remember what you did well and what has room for improvement. :ok Experience will be a shield/weapon that you can use when you get in difficult situations in the future MTT's, don't forget...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Learning Poker Already posted this screenshot in the Poker Tourneys Forum. However, with this thread charting my progression, or indeed lack of in poker, I thought I would stick it in this thread as well. My best placed, and imo best played performance in a Value Added MTT to date 32dollars132.jpg Don't know whether to :wall or :clap though, as I played this tourny twice in 2 nights for Team GaF last week with No end product.

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Re: Learning Poker

Very well done :ok So what's your poker bankroll now? You started from $0 right?
Yes. I started on $0. With BlueSquare, I built myself up to $3 from just the 10c giveaways, before statring the 10c games. Was winning a few games, cashing in most of them. Got the balance up to $9. Started the 20c +0.04 and again, was doing fairly well. I found that establishing an early chip lead and then just folding anything I didnt need to play, got me down to the last 4 or 5 easily. Balance was up to $20. Withdrew the $20. Deposited $10 into GNUF and $10 into VC. In VC have been concentrating mainly on the 10c and 20c SnG's, with mixed success for some reason and on GNUF have been mainly concentrating on the $1 baby on tue and sat when I can and also the odd 0.50 + 0.10 euro's Normal 5 man tables. Have also been playing low value MTT's whenever possible. I like the 30 man SnG's on VC. Bankroll currently is $92.85 @ VC Poker Bankroll currently is $21.11 @ GNUF Total Bankroll is $113.96 Not bad from $0 in a couple of months.... (well I reckon so). On Bluesquare, it is back up to $1.40 via 10c giveaways again, but I will wait until hitting $3 before playing the 10c games again etc.... So, the roll was $10. Won a few 20c SnG's and built it up to $37 on
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Re: Learning Poker Its amazing, when down to the final 3, how the dynamics of the game change. it is so cautious, well at this level anyway. Not wanting to go for it, for fear of missing out on the next pay level. Few hands played, few flops seen etc.... Was quite surreal. Actually felt sorry for the lad that bubbled. Flop was Jd Qd 9s Turn was Kh River was 9c Bubble Lad turns over Qc Kc Winning Hand turns over 9h 9d Mental hand to bubble on.

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Re: Learning Poker Awesome result for someone just starting playing!!! Most people lose money the first few months they start:P Take enough breaks though, don't want an poker burnout. Suggestion: Maybe you should sign up for the PL WH exclusive league? Dunno if it's to fast but I think you could take a stab at it. All PL members that play, but also added value and an excellent way to measure yourself against the rest of the forum. Meet GaF and your other advisors on PL and discuss interesting hands afterwards. :P $5.50 per game is a bit much for your bankroll, but I think you'd enjoy it.

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Re: Learning Poker 1. Would be very tight on the bankroll. Assuming I break even elsewhere this month, and play the games, that would be $22 which is 20% of my bankroll, as opposed to the max 5% I normally commit. 2. As fun as it would be, looking at the entry list, I think it would be possibly the hardest and sharpest learning curve in my poker playing "career", thus far. 3. On the up side of that, nothing would be expected of me play wise, so with nothing to lose, would be able to play freely with little or no inhibitions. As for Poker burnout, I havent been playing much lately due to other commitments. In fact, I played the NoIQ Vegas freeroll, finishing 103rd of 1500+. The one Bagheira came 20th. Apart from that I hadn't played an MTT since last thursday when finishing 21st in the VC Daily MAT. If I did enter, A) Would I need to pay someone up front, or is it simply buy in when reg opens? and B) Would I be required to play all 4 nights? Reason I ask is, I am unavailable this monday but fine the rest.

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Re: Learning Poker

If I did enter, A) Would I need to pay someone up front, or is it simply buy in when reg opens? and B) Would I be required to play all 4 nights? Reason I ask is, I am unavailable this monday but fine the rest.
You don't need to play all of them, even if it's just one it's ok. You don't need to pay upfront, just pay the buyin in the pokerclient when registering for the MTT But you would need to get a password, since all PL exclusive games are password protected. To get the password you need to vote and say you want to play and they'll e-mail you the password before the game starts.
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Re: Learning Poker Nice one - fantastic result :clap :clap

In VC have been concentrating mainly on the 10c and 20c SnG's, with mixed success for some reason
You do know that the 10c and 20c games on VC are from the iPoker newtork, which is the same as Blue Square? So if you play on Blue Square, I can watch you on VC (and vice versia). They are the same tables with the same opponents. There is no reason why you could beat the games in Blue Square, but not VC ;) (PS The 10c Giveaway tables on Blue Square are not network games, so you cannot see them on VC)
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Re: Learning Poker

Nice one - fantastic result :clap :clap You do know that the 10c and 20c games on VC are from the iPoker newtork, which is the same as Blue Square? So if you play on Blue Square, I can watch you on VC (and vice versia). They are the same tables with the same opponents. There is no reason why you could beat the games in Blue Square, but not VC ;) (PS The 10c Giveaway tables on Blue Square are not network games, so you cannot see them on VC)
I wasn't aware of that. Makes the mixed results on VC even more confusing. Could it be that although they are network games, Im coming up against different players so that is perhaps a reason?
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Re: Learning Poker

I have two different aliases though for these two sites, so am I doing something illegal there? Im ruleb on Bluesquare and ruleb79 on VC :unsure
You will have to have a different name on each of the iPoker Network sites. There's lots of them - I have 10 on my desktop and I'm sure I'm a lightweight.:lol If you try to register on say Betfred as ruleb79 it will tell you there is already someone with that name (you!) Many of the games are the same from one site on that network to another, but you'll get some specials run by just that site (like the Will Hill Champs League games). You can only open one site on the same network (on the same computer) at a time. Boss network works the same way, different names for each site. Prima/microgaming, you have the same name across all their sites.
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Re: Learning Poker Fcuked this right up. Deserve what I get in the end for not paying attention to every detail on the table. I genuinely never meant to call, the 3k bet not with 48o, I thought with me sitting 11/13 it might be worth calling the original 800 bet, paying 400 to see the flop. Fcuking fuming at how incompetent I was in this case. :@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@ ***** Hand 1585570039 ***** 400.00/800.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 06 May 2009 21:55:06 Independent League (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: beanolizz1 (27454.00) Seat 2: bigbadken (5127.00) Seat 3: Unknown (0.00) Seat 4: Dreamkill (3911.00) Seat 5: 1borokp (13151.00) Seat 6: Unknown (0.00) Seat 7: ruleb79 (5066.00) Seat 8: Unknown (0.00) Seat 9: Unknown (0.00) Seat 10: PhilR2211 (8233.00) ruleb79 post SB 400.00 PhilR2211 post BB 800.00 ** Deal ** beanolizz1 [N/A, N/A] bigbadken [N/A, N/A] Dreamkill [N/A, N/A] 1borokp [N/A, N/A] ruleb79 [8c, 4h] PhilR2211 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** beanolizz1 Call 800.00 bigbadken Fold Dreamkill All-in 3911.00 1borokp Fold ruleb79 Call 3911.00 PhilR2211 Fold beanolizz1 Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [Qd, As, 2s] *** Turn(Board): *** : [Qd, As, 2s, 9h] *** River(Board): *** : [Qd, As, 2s, 9h, 5s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 9872.00 beanolizz1 Fold Win: 0.00 bigbadken Fold Win: 0.00 Dreamkill [Ad, Js] Pair of aces Win: 9872.00 1borokp Fold Win: 0.00 ruleb79 [8c, 4h] Highest card ace Win: 0.00 PhilR2211 Fold Win: 0.00

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