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Learning Poker


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Re: Learning Poker Thanks PGremiln. Right, another query (sorry for being a pain in the arse). Isn't Poker on the whole about winning all the chips on the table and when offered a sure fire chance of getting chips out of someone, then arent you meant to call/raise? Played last night in one of they sng's and down to the last 2. Im drawn 10d, Jd and I check, and he in turn checks. (Think the pot at this stage is only 300 between the SB and BB). Flop brings out Kd, Ad and 4h. I check again as Im not planning raising atm, until Im sure that he hasnt got an A or a K or both, he checks and turn card is Kc, we both check again (Im not knowing wtf to think at this point) and river card is As. At the end we are both just checking and neither raising or calling. His cards are turned over to reveal Ah and Ac. He was sitting on a pair of Aces, and got another in the Flop, yet didnt try to raise once...... Is this normal?

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Re: Learning Poker

Are you sure he wasnt disconnected/sat out? Definitely not normal, but dont read too much into the play of your opponents at this level.....
Nah, he was there as the hand before that he raised when holding 4c 5c and the hand after he folded before I did anything at all. That one hand had me completely confused though, made me think I was missing something. He could have easily got something out of me, particularly as I was sitting with 10d, Jd and K and A d in the Flop. Thats the only point he could have got me though, because as soon as the next K was revealed I was gonna fold if he raised then.
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Re: Learning Poker Have played 40 + freerolls, in fact have maxed out todays 25 :lol Things Ive learned so far..... Discipline - Essential commodity to have as far as I can tell atm. All about knowing when is the right time to play your "big hand", too often (ALREADY), Ive gone right in as soon as Ive been hit with 2k's, 2A's or KA suited etc.... only to be stung on the Flop, Turn or River. So its a case of being disciplined. Patience - Games last a while if Im wanting to cash out, so I need to learn not to start getting itchy fingers after 20 mins or so, and just stay composed and patient.

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Re: Learning Poker Nothing wrong with discipline here. With pockets aces & kings you want to find a way of getting all your chips in pre flop. The bloke with ace just got unlucky. Pushing all in with aces pre flop will win more times than it will lose, (especially against only one caller). Not sure what GoryGin 77 was thinking to call, unless as the chip stacks indicate it was the first hand, in which case he probably thought matey was trying it on.

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Re: Learning Poker

Nothing wrong with discipline here. With pockets aces & kings you want to find a way of getting all your chips in pre flop. The bloke with ace just got unlucky. Pushing all in with aces pre flop will win more times than it will lose, (especially against only one caller). Not sure what GoryGin 77 was thinking to call, unless as the chip stacks indicate it was the first hand, in which case he probably thought matey was trying it on.
You will have to explain that to me please mate? and yes, was very 1st hand.
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Re: Learning Poker Going all in with aces & kings, (unless you come up against aces), you will be a massive favourite prior to the flop. You will most likely be called with other pocket pairs or AK, AQ etc. This is where kings get a bit ropey if an ace flops. There is an argument to slow play aces, (call or small raise), to try and get more chips in the middle, as going all in will scare off other players, yourself in this pot being a prime example. Imagine slow playing aces/kings in the hand shown, you would probably of called or maybe gone all in. After the flop, unless someone has hit 2 pairs or trips, (most of the time unlikely), your still well ahead. Someone with say A Q will like this flop and bet which you can call or more than likely push all in as there is a straight & flush draw out there. Would you go all in with king high & chasing a card? The person with A Q may go as he has top pair top kicker and thinks he's good, in which case you have him dominated. Saying all this you may get unlucky and someone hits their flush or straight on the river as seen.

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Re: Learning Poker

Going all in with aces & kings, (unless you come up against aces), you will be a massive favourite prior to the flop. You will most likely be called with other pocket pairs or AK, AQ etc. This is where kings get a bit ropey if an ace flops. There is an argument to slow play aces, (call or small raise), to try and get more chips in the middle, as going all in will scare off other players, yourself in this pot being a prime example. Imagine slow playing aces/kings in the hand shown, you would probably of called or maybe gone all in. After the flop, unless someone has hit 2 pairs or trips, (most of the time unlikely), your still well ahead. Someone with say A Q will like this flop and bet which you can call or more than likely push all in as there is a straight & flush draw out there. Would you go all in with king high & chasing a card? The person with A Q may go as he has top pair top kicker and thinks he's good, in which case you have him dominated. Saying all this you may get unlucky and someone hits their flush or straight on the river as seen.
Right, I think Im understanding what you are saying mate.... thanks. If Darkside goes all in as seen, chances are he will scare off everyone but its his only real chance as when the flop comes and he goes all in with the cards shown on the flop, this may scare everyone even more so, as they will assume he is maybe sitting with QJ or either card? That making any sense? Surely that would have been enough to scare away GoryGin as well, as I wouldnt personally be sitting praying on 1 card off that hand.
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Re: Learning Poker Have now played 150 FR's on Bluesquare and have won 24 of them, cashing in a further 68 of them and losing out in 58 of them, Have also played a few of the 10c and 20c buy in games, but have only managed to win one of them. Jakarta 6 player 10c game. About to play my first FR on Full Tilt with over 300 players and top 36 cashing, so I guess Im about to see just how much Ive learned. (starts at 9, I reckon Ill be out by 920),

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Re: Learning Poker Don't play to much poker ;) Take days of now and again, so you don't get an overdosis/lack of social life :lol Try freeroll/small buying tournaments that are posted often in the tournament section of this forum. I think you're ready for that. After you tried that you can try your hand on some cash games. GaF has a pretty good collaboration/advice/training program for starting cash gamers. And when you've done that you can try variant games like Omaha... After that.... you have enough experience to decide which kind of pokergames you like most in the online pokerworld :lol Ow have to try live pokergames too in pubs or casino's, live games are so much fun when you have a decent level and can compete. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Learning Poker Thought I would add these two hands to this thread . Already been stung for my chips, going all in with AKs after flopping a K in 3rd hand, lost to trip 7's. No big deal, as I wouldnt have done things differently in the same situation again with the same level of opposition. (Higher level, I would have bet less). Left with few chips, I sit out a couple of hands before going all in with A5 (Fcuk knows why), but this is the result. quads743.jpg :lol :lol MY FIRST QUADS and beating Trip J's at the same time :lol So, next hand I try the same tactic. All in with the few chips I have and this is the result. quads2461.jpg I FLOP A FULL HOUSE, AND STILL LOSE :lol to Quad 10's :lol

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Re: Learning Poker Hand 1 is a no brainer shove - because your stack is so low and you have an ace..... And you beat a full house - AAAJJ - the J of BabyAssasin doesn't play - he only has the board. The second hand is a race (against THEBABYASSASSIN), a coin flip, 50/50 (it's actually not 50/50, you're slightly ahead, but most consider it 50/50) - what happens after that is insignifficant - you have no choices left, it doesnt matter what the odds are until after the last card is dealt (I'm making a big point of it, because you REALLY want to get out of thinking about what happens in between - when you get stuck into thinking that way, there's no escape - a lot of experienced players (including PLrs) are trapped by that and it is to the detriment of their game!). You're obviously happy to see XxeNexX fold the flop (it's one less player to beat you, and it cost you nothing to get him out of the hand)

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Re: Learning Poker

(I'm making a big point of it' date=' because you REALLY want to get out of thinking about what happens in between - when you get stuck into thinking that way, there's no escape - a lot of experienced players (including PLrs) are trapped by that and it is to the detriment of their game!) [/quote'] All noted and understood, except the above bit? By inbetween are you meaning the board cards?
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Re: Learning Poker By inbetween, I mean, what happens, and the order it happens, is irrelevent between putting your last chip in the pot and the showdown. So in the second hand above - you are 52.8% to win (I'm ignoring XxeNexX solely to keep the point simple - though it does make what I'm saying technically wrong). You are 52.8% to win That is all that matters - you dont even care what your cards are. You are 52.8% to win! You get the showdown and your 52.8% shot has lost (so the 47.2% shot has won). It doesnt matter what specific cards you lost to, or that you flopped a Full House. All that matters is you were 52.8% (a coin flip) and it lost. The 47.8% shot will win almost half the time, and on this occasion it did. It wasnt unlucky (or incorrect to get all the chips in) - it was simply a coin flip that lost. By the way - do you have Pokerstove? If not download it :ok It will give you all the odds (and it's free)

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Re: Learning Poker

By inbetween, I mean, what happens, and the order it happens, is irrelevent between putting your last chip in the pot and the showdown. So in the second hand above - you are 52.8% to win (I'm ignoring XxeNexX solely to keep the point simple - though it does make what I'm saying technically wrong). You are 52.8% to win That is all that matters - you dont even care what your cards are. You are 52.8% to win! You get the showdown and your 52.8% shot has lost (so the 47.2% shot has won). It doesnt matter what specific cards you lost to, or that you flopped a Full House. All that matters is you were 52.8% (a coin flip) and it lost. The 47.8% shot will win almost half the time, and on this occasion it did. It wasnt unlucky (or incorrect to get all the chips in) - it was simply a coin flip that lost. By the way - do you have Pokerstove? If not download it :ok It will give you all the odds (and it's free)
My Pocket 8's are 52.8% to beat his 10,J ? I only put the chips in as I was short and had pocket pair, and saw an opportunity to try and at least take the blinds if nothing else. Ill download that Pokerstove...
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Re: Learning Poker They refer to you. In this session/tournament you've been dealt 81 hands. Of those, you have still been in the hand 7 times when the flop was dealt, 5 times when the turn was dealt etc. Of the 5 times the hand went to a river there was only a showdown 3 times, because the other 2 times someone bet and the other(s) folded.

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Re: Learning Poker

Erm...... 7 card stud limit. Can someone explain please?
studs pretty easy to learn really:ok first off each player will post an ante and the player with the smallest card has to bring in(like a blind)action starts from the next player. on 3rd street (the street is the no of cards you have)you can fold ,call or complete(like a raise). after that its the normal fold ,call or raise, the raise is only 1 more bet so its hard to bluff people but possible with the right cards. you get 3 cards to start . 2 in the hole(only you can see)and one exposed. a lot rests on your and your opponents exposed card as to what to do,if you have the best visible card and okay position then its always good to raise it up and complete(a type of raise made on 3rd steet). it's rarely a good idea to slow play any hands early in a hand( except maybe 3 of a kind,which is pretty rare), being limit people do tend to call anyway so i always bet my good hands. so whats a good starting hand. well 3 of a kind is brilliant:nana a big pair is good especially if its bigger than the highest visible card,especially if you have a pair in the hole(that makes it harder for your opponent to guage your strength;)) 3 cards to a flush is good too and also 3 to a straight ,obviously 3 to a straight flush is really good:ok once the first round of betting is over you each get a fourth card that all can see(4th street) depending again on your/opponents cards you can fold check or bet this continues till either everyone folds or you get to 7th street(the last card also only visible to you) the size of the bet does double on 6th and 7th street tho;) the best piece of advice is to try to keep track of all the cards you've seen and how they will effect your or other hands.in holdem you only know where a maximum of 7 cards are max,in stud you could see almost half the pack with a few people in the hand. for instance, say you have 3 diamonds dealt to you but there are also 4 other diamonds visible in others hands, your flush looks less likely. or you have 456 and you can see 2 sevens have gone then the straight is a lot less likely. this also works vs an opponent,he might look like he's going for a flush but if you have 2 of his cards in the hole then his flush is less likely. so if you do play try to keep track even if its only the cards that might become relevent later
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Re: Learning Poker My 2 favourite hands tonight in the $1 Baby. When I first started out, I would have played these hands very differently. Ok, I get extremely fortunate in the second hand, but I knew I probably had him beat on the river and checked in order for him to probably come in with more. Any opinions on the way these hands were played? Again, like before, any negative feedback is also welcomed, as Im looking to use all feedback to improve my game. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ** Hand # 2559643758 starting - 2009-04-21 21:14:04 ** One Dollar Baby[2918022]:Table 2 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (300.00|600.00 NL - MTT) Real Money Mooppy sitting in seat 1 with 1550.00 JanisZemzale sitting in seat 2 with 2415.00 ruleb sitting in seat 3 with 4645.00 naurons sitting in seat 4 with 650.00 nelsons999 sitting in seat 5 with 2790.00 Juani sitting in seat 6 with 7910.00[Dealer] lenoche25 sitting in seat 7 with 2951.25 l_u_c_k_y_84 sitting in seat 8 with 6905.00 BraVoDK sitting in seat 9 with 5540.00 DM99 sitting in seat 10 with 6080.00 lenoche25 posted the small blind - 150.00 l_u_c_k_y_84 posted the big blind - 300.00 ** Dealing cards to ruleb: Qc, 9c BraVoDK folded DM99 folded Mooppy folded JanisZemzale folded ruleb raised to 1200.00 naurons folded nelsons999 folded Juani folded lenoche25 folded l_u_c_k_y_84 called - 1200.00 ** Dealing the flop: 2d, Jc, 6c l_u_c_k_y_84 checked ruleb bet - 1275.00 l_u_c_k_y_84 went all-in - 5705.00 ruleb went all-in - 2170.00 l_u_c_k_y_84 shows: As, Js ** Dealing the turn: 10c ** Dealing the river: 8h ruleb wins 9440.00 from the main pot ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ** Hand # 2559711006 starting - 2009-04-21 21:41:18 ** One Dollar Baby[2918022]:Table 2 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (800.00|1600.00 NL - MTT) Real Money Mooppy sitting in seat 1 with 3857.50 Juani sitting in seat 2 with 6510.00 ruleb sitting in seat 3 with 11890.00 jati3333 sitting in seat 5 with 9457.50 Magistix sitting in seat 8 with 42992.50[Dealer] BraVoDK sitting in seat 9 with 11011.25 BraVoDK posted the small blind - 400.00 Mooppy posted the big blind - 800.00 ** Dealing cards to ruleb: 7d, Qs Juani folded ruleb raised to 1600.00 jati3333 folded Magistix called - 1600.00 BraVoDK folded Mooppy folded ** Dealing the flop: 6c, 5c, 10d ruleb bet - 1100.00 Magistix raised to 2200.00 ruleb called - 2200.00 ** Dealing the turn: Qc ruleb checked Magistix bet - 2400.00 ruleb called - 2400.00 ** Dealing the river: Qh ruleb checked Magistix bet - 800.00 ruleb went all-in - 5690.00 Magistix called - 5690.00 Magistix shows: 10h, Ac ruleb wins 24980.00 from the main pot

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