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Multitabling and its effects


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Re: Multitabling and its effects Have rounded the MT ratios up. So an MT ratio of 1.01 would count as 2. It's difficult to draw any conclusions from this :unsure However the indication seems to be that multitabling doesn't harm profitability per table (which is ridiculous!!)

MT RatioHands€ Profit€/100
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Re: Multitabling and its effects

the indication seems to be that multitabling doesn't harm profitability per table (which is ridiculous!!)
Disagree that it is ridiculous. Anyone using a HUD properly (rather than just using that basic VP$IP/PF/AF) can quite easily manage 4 tables at once without losing out. I would imagine once you got upto 8 tables+ you might get more of a trend towards lower $/100
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Re: Multitabling and its effects I cant see it - if you're playing two tables (even with great HUD information), you MUST have less focus on each table than if you only play one ... the impact may only be slight (and more than balanced by getting profit on two tables instead of one) - but there must be an impact.....

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Re: Multitabling and its effects I don't see why you're so shocked Gaf, maybe because it's on Boss where the tables overlap so you can't see all the tables all of the time? Because on sites like FTP it's easy to see what action is going on on 4 tiled tables and now just got a new comp it's easy to see what's going on on 8 tiled tables if needed.

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Re: Multitabling and its effects I'm not saying it's significant (when going from 1 table to 2 or 2 to 3), and I'm not arguing that overall playing 2 tables may be significantly more profitable than 1, just that there has to be some loss of focus, however small - you just cannot watch and concentrate on 2 tables at exactly the same time. You must mix up to an extent the amount of action you give on each table - i.e. your image. I play 2 tables on Boss without any overlap at all, so that's not an issue ;) (and Boss is a lot slower than FTP too :tongue2)

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