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how do you cope with the table bully?


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dont think this has been discussed too much,but you know the bastid is sticking it to the table but he bets enough to put you off your game,even if you call what do you do when you miss the flop,you know he is gonna raise no matter what... do you leave and find another table or wait for the top hands and try to win something that way...

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Re: how do you cope with the table bully? Bide your time - get a hand that's ahead of his range and then raise and reraise him - play big pots with him when you have big hands - when you have small hands, get out and let him pick it up... I love playing the maniacs more than anyone.......

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Re: how do you cope with the table bully? Interestingly i had a situation today where there were 2 guys on my left who were really aggressive, i was getting 3bet nearly every time i raised and it almost drove me mad but i don't tilt these days instead i adjusted. Most times when someone is getting fruity on my left against me i up my aggression a couple of times against them to let them know it won't be easy pushing me around and so they tighten up but these 2 guys were relentless. So a bit later on a good situation came up. Loose fish UTG raises i just call with KK knowing one of the two on my left will squeeze, they did, to $17, UTG calls i reraise to $42, now it looks like a re-squeeze from me as i can't have a big hand because i didn't 3bet surely? He calls and i end up winning a big pot. No-Limit Hold'em, $1.00 BB (6 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com Hero (CO) ($146.80) Button ($179.05) SB ($119.05) BB ($104.35) UTG ($263.30) Preflop: Hero is CO with Kspade.gif, Kclub.gifUTG bets $4, Hero calls $4, 1 fold, SB raises $16.50, 1 fold, UTG calls $13, Hero raises $38, 1 fold, UTG calls $25 Flop: ($102) 5heart.gif, 2diamond.gif, Kheart.gif(2 players) UTG checks, Hero bets $104.80 (All-In), UTG calls $104.80 Turn: ($311.60) 7heart.gif(2 players, 1 all-in) River: ($311.60) Qspade.gif(2 players, 1 all-in) Total pot: $311.60 Results: UTG had 7diamond.gif, 7spade.gif (three of a kind, sevens). Hero had Kspade.gif, Kclub.gif (three of a kind, Kings). Outcome: Hero won $308.60 (Again HH converter has screwed up bet-sizing) So by adjusting to take advantage of the table bullies i won a vbig pot which i wouldn't have done otherwise. UTG was convinced i didn't have a big hand as i didn't 3bet pre flop, but i was just taking advantage of what i knew the table bullies were going to do. It always helps if there's a fish willing to donate ;) but i can understand why they thought i didn't have anything. I didn't want to slow play post flop, i wanted to do what seemed normal to do if i was bluffing which is go AI.

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