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Microstakes: Is limping Pocket Pairs UTG more profitable than raising them?


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Re: Microstakes: Is limping Pocket Pairs UTG more profitable than raising them? LMAO - Just ran the reports again and got my figures the wrong way round :$ Ignore this thread...... (and keep raising those pocket pairs ;) )

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Re: Microstakes: Is limping Pocket Pairs UTG more profitable than raising them? Table in post 1 corrected - it was just the totals that were wrong. I think there are actually still question marks about the benefit of raising - the totals are skewed as it is - if you have 99+ then you are more likely to raise - if you have less than 88 you are more likely to limp. If we compare like for like - then 8 hands are more profitable limping than raising, and just 5 hands are more profitable raising than limping - though we do have serious probalems with the sample sizes (a lot of actions per hand are less than 10 hands.....)

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Re: Microstakes: Is limping Pocket Pairs UTG more profitable than raising them? If we look overall by player, then it does appear as if the more aggressive players are doing worse than the more passive players :unsure Player08 raises just 23% (the most passive player) but is the second most successful (300 BB/100). Player07 is the most aggressive, 88% PFR but is the 8th most successful (31.2 BB/100) I really dont believe it's as cut and dried as "always raise UTG pre flop with pocket pairs to maximise winnings".....

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Re: Microstakes: Is limping Pocket Pairs UTG more profitable than raising them? TT, JJ, QQ and KK have come out as more profitable limping than raising. AA is pretty similar for both. However TT+ has generated €103,59 profit from pre flop raises, whilst the more successful open limp over the same hands has generated €29.64 - because it's fewer hands... There's got to be a way to weight this (reasonably) to demonstrate the point ...... hang on ......

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Re: Microstakes: Is limping Pocket Pairs UTG more profitable than raising them? I am playing 10/20c or 25c/50c atm online and do not raise UTG ever... I fell it works well though I can see how micro games could turn into limpathons and there may be a need to raise... pp are so marginal for cash games oop raising UTG with anything JJ+ (For me even thats a stretch) is nothing but Tourney play... the times you do flop a set you can't get max value because of bad pos and every other flop is marginal... but its clear here that sample sizes are bad... look forward to when they reach a good level...:ok

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Re: Microstakes: Is limping Pocket Pairs UTG more profitable than raising them?

If we look overall by player, then it does Player07 is the most aggressive, 88% PFR but is the 8th most successful (31.2 BB/100)
So am I too aggressive pre-flop or just playing badly post-flop? Typically I raise 3xBB if I'm first in. If there are limpers I would raise with 9,9 thru A,A. If there's a raise I re-raise with Q,Q K,K and A,A. This is assuming I have no info on my opponents. For instance, I wouldn't reraise with Q,Q against a tight raise from early position.
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Re: Microstakes: Is limping Pocket Pairs UTG more profitable than raising them?

So am I too aggressive pre-flop or just playing badly post-flop?
Could be either (or both, or neither :tongue2) Would need to look at other stats for you - will try and have a bit of a dig into your numbers at some stage and see if I can see anything :ok However, regardless of whether one player is or isn't playing poorly post flop - the indication for everyone combined is that we do better when limping our pairs than when raising them.
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