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Trading Under 2.5 / Over 2.5 : saving bet

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Hi Folks I would like to discuss with some other experts of this forum or newcomers like me , about some tactics :nana Been reading thousands of pages about trading tacts etc . I would like to share some info, so experts can correct and help me too. 1 ) Lay Over 2.5 Well the most used seems trading in the market of Under / over 2.5. I kinda pick matches with Under 2.5 often comes out, and then * Lay Over 2.5 @match start. * Trade Off after some minutes, depend on your stake, if you willing to make bigger profits, but bigger risk, then try to let it ride till Half Time The problem comes out if there's an early goal, if it happens, Over 2.5 market cant be traded out anymore so easily, and if more goals happen you just loose. So i was think @ a way to cover my ass if there was an early goal, by get maybe the first goal odds in betfair , that you bet which minute there will be a score ? I saw some sites, suggest lay 0-0, then trade it out both at some certain minute, any suggestion ? 1 ) Lay next goal. At the start of the match, just lay next goal, liability its low, usually 1.09. Then trade it out after few ticks. If you let it ride till Half Time, its risky, but it can give bigger profits. Maybe you fail but if you do right once some trades, you are in profit. Liability its low, if they score a goal, simply put new bet on next goal, and try make profit there with trade or let it just run till end, risky ? MAybe could work if u do this tactic at 60". Just some thoughts, I will adds more in future , sorry if maybe are just newbye stuffs, but Im the first always happy to read any post about trading even the most noob :cheers

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