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200902W5 Benchmarking 3Bet and 4Bet


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Re: 200902W5 Benchmarking 3Bet and 4Bet

ok im stupid. What does all this mean.
A 3bet opportunity is when someone to act before you has raised. So you are facing a raise from an opponent. Looking at post 3, pre flop, Player01 has faced a 3Bet Opportunity, pre flop 939 times. He has a choice of 3 actions. He can fold, call or raise. Of the 939 choices he's made, he has raised (3bet) 26 times (for a loss of 47BB/100), he has called 187 times (for a profit of 135 BB/100) and he has folded 726 times (for a loss of 29BB - probably blinds). This all combines to give him a profit of 2.78 BB when having the opportunity to 3bet.
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Re: 200902W5 Benchmarking 3Bet and 4Bet

ok so what your saying when reraising he loses?
Yes. However the "package" of choices made by Player01 with a preflop 3 bet opportunity are giving him the best results of the 10 players in the benchmarking - so his losses are being exceeded by his wins when he calls. You need to be looking at the combination of choices made, rather than just the one stat in isolation.
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Re: 200902W5 Benchmarking 3Bet and 4Bet I think these stats are a bit much for all in one thread - I'll give each table of 4 its own thread - can a mod move the existing table of 4's into their own threads please? (with the pre flop chat going with the pre flop table). Cheers EDIT: Actually I can create the threads myself - if a mod could just delete the duplicates and move the chat over please :ok

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