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Another hand


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Just played this hand, not too fussed about what my opponent had but more interested in my play on the flop and the turn. Seat 4: er_tigna (€1.40)

Seat 1: dejanovicd (€7.46) Seat 2: player04 (€10.01)

Seat 3: Villain (€13.04)

Seat 5: ZAZA' (€7.37)

player04 posts the small blind of €0.05

Villain posts the big blind of €0.10

dejanovicd is the button

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to player04 [Qh Qd]

er_tigna folds

ZAZA' folds

dejanovicd calls €0.10

player04 raises €0.50

Villain calls €0.50

dejanovicd folds

*** FLOP *** [8h 3h Jc]

player04 bets €0.82

Villain raises €1.64

player04 raises €4.92

Villain calls €4.92

*** TURN *** [8h 3h Jc] [2d]

player04 goes all-in with €4.59

Villain calls €4.59

*** RIVER *** [8h 3h Jc 2d] [Js]

*** SUMMARY *** Total pot €19.12 | Rake €1.00

Board: [8h 3h Jc 2d Js]

dejanovicd won (€0.00), mucks

player04 won (€0.00), showed [Qh Qd]

Villain won (€19.12), showed [Kd Kh]

er_tigna won (€0.00), mucks

ZAZA' won (€0.00), mucks Villain playes a very loose game 63/16 at the time. I've been playing about 25/18. I reraised the flop to try and find out how strong he was. With his flat call I was certain he had a jack, which is why I shoved the river. Turns out I would have lost either way but just want to know if my line was ok.

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Re: Another hand Cheers guys. As I say I was more concerned about my reraise on the flop to try and get some information, although I can't see how I would have folded to a shove so no matter how I look at it I was going to lose out. In a deepstacked live game (decent standard) against a loose player would you expect a reraise preflop? If so would you call, maybe lead out on the flop and fold to a raise? Or maybe check/call down the river? I know it depends on the kind of player but maybe as a general example.

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Re: Another hand You would get re-raised preflop 95% of the time against any player (providing neither of you are short or there are any other weird dynamics). I would call, and probably c/c the flop and c/f the turn or if i was certain on the flop that i was beat i would c/f, but that would need a significant read or history. I would never call pre and lead out......i hate that play, because if you are raised you have to fold and you can get the same information from checking, especially if they check behind etc.

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Re: Another hand I see what your saying. I can't say for certain what I would ever do in that kind of spot but since leading out came into my head first it reasonable to assume thats what I would have done. I'm starting to figure out you don't always have to bet to get information and checking in the right situation can be more useful (just need to learn when those situations are!).

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Re: Another hand

I see what your saying. I can't say for certain what I would ever do in that kind of spot but since leading out came into my head first it reasonable to assume thats what I would have done. I'm starting to figure out you don't always have to bet to get information and checking in the right situation can be more useful (just need to learn when those situations are!).
Yes thats definately the case. You don't have to bet just to see where you are, i personally hate it. I know that a lot of established players make these probing bets, and that works for them, but i prefer to check a lot of the time. I hate building pots for no specific reason, and i always bet with a clear objective in mind; greater than "finding out where i am". If you are going to make these bets, i think they should be kept as small as possible, then you risk the minimun and dont build pots too much.
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