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Playing Large Sats


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Was playing a Sat for the ANZPT last night, 2800+ runners. Zero cost, but this question also links to low cost ones. Just how do you play these games ? Is it better to push first hand ATC and look to build a stack to play with or wait and try and play some measured poker. I tried option two last night and went out in 1052nd having palyed 1 hand. It's a lottery at the start, do I just buy a ticket and try and make the last 200 or 300 then try and play poker ?

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Re: Playing Large Sats I'd say just make the smart decisions, as always. Chase your draws when getting the right odds, and charge others the wrong odds to chase theirs. So long as you're making them make the mistakes, you can't do anything more. Yes, you may get outdrawn by a fish getting 6/4 to chase their 7/2 draw, but that's poker. Always play smart

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Re: Playing Large Sats You never said how many seats there were. If between 1-20, it must be played like a lottery. Any AJ+ and 99+, I push. If there are 50+ seats probably TAG. I always like to see in the first round, what sort of table I'm on and adjust accordingly. If loose, wait for big hand. If tight, limp in a lot and hope to hit big.

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Re: Playing Large Sats Like Hen says, if it's a toal lottery then play it as such. 2000+ runners with 1% or less getting a seat? I'd be all-in every workable hand in the first level. Sometimes you see 5/6 alls in before you're to act, I'm pretty much calling with any two cards in that situation. So I'd say "yes" to the final question AJ. I used to a play a lot of normal freerolls (-300 runners) on VC years ago - especially a daily $500 HiLo which was literally a license to print money for anyone who knew the game. In these games I would play super tight and wait for 66% of the field to go - option 1.

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Re: Playing Large Sats

Satellites are all about survival - nothing more.......so do all you can to survive!
I'm afraid I don't understand this point of view at all. In fact, I don't even understand what it means in practical terms. Yes, of course, in a satellite you just need to survive into the prize places. But that's obvious. That's not advice, it's just restating the prize structure. :tongue2 The question is, what is the best strategy early in the tournament to give yourself the best chance of surviving into the prize places? It's certainly going to be very far from the best strategy to ensure surviving for the next orbit. If you just concentrate on surviving in the short term, that seems to me just to be procrastination: at some stage you need to accumulate some chips, or else you have pretty much no chance of surviving when the blinds get bigger. Early in the tournament, I don't see any reason to think that best strategy is all that far from just playing to maximize your expected chip stack. If other players are frequently pushing with mediocre hands, then they're offering you chip EV on a plate (at the expense of huge variance). I'd wait for good opportunities to call a shove with a hand that is comfortably ahead of the shover's range. So gamble, yes, by all means, but only gamble when you think the odds are in your favour.
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Re: Playing Large Sats

If other players are frequently pushing with mediocre hands, then they're offering you chip EV on a plate (at the expense of huge variance). I'd wait for good opportunities to call a shove with a hand that is comfortably ahead of the shover's range. So gamble, yes, by all means, but only gamble when you think the odds are in your favour.
No one seems to taking hourly rates into the equation. Time spent better elsewhere is another argument for gambling early in many runner, long events. Although that really is a different discussion I suppose.
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Re: Playing Large Sats

No one seems to taking hourly rates into the equation. Time spent better elsewhere is another argument for gambling early in many runner, long events. Although that really is a different discussion I suppose.
That's a really good point.
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