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** Congratulations to Imavillan who wins £250 in the Last Man Standing II Competition **

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First of all, I'm not even in this hand. I see this sort of play all the time, and I wonder where the hell is sens of playing that way? It looks like a bad play. Basically, there are few limpers and comes standard 3x raise :unsure. What is this guy thinking? What is he going to achieve by that bet? Its just my opinion, but that bet is pointless. In this hand, we have 2 limpers and guy raises 3x with KQ. So there are still B, SB, BB and two limpers to act. And please, no one says to build up the pot, cause its bollocks. If some one pushes. whats then? Looking at that play, he probably will think: "well I have to call now". If he raises to 7-800, he will probably will take it down without a showdown. By this bet, he will show, that he is committed if some one pushes. With his stack, he cant afford to give away 300 without seeing the flop. He can easily limp in as well and fold to any raise without losing to much. Even if has AA and wants people in that pot, he can expect (looking at stacks of other 5 players in that hand) 3-5 callers. In that case hes AA might be as good as dead. In conclusion, (and IMO) this must be the worst choice of bet in this particular hand. But feel free to disagree and call me stupid if you wish :ok. I will post the outcome of that hand, which I said its not that important for this tread anyway. f_stup1m_11218b7.jpg

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