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200902W4 Benchmarking - Position


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Re: 200902W4 Benchmarking - Position

ok. So what does this tell us. Also is the sample still to small?
Player by player, the sample size is still pretty small - we have 50k hands - divide that by 10 players and 5 positions and we have an average of about 1k hands per player per position - that's still pretty small, however I think it should be starting to give us an overall indication. The results still remain surprising and unusual - they're still not what we expect. Combined our results are as follows: Button VPIP 34.5% PFR 18.8% BB/100 6.79 Cut Off VPIP 25.8% PFR 14.15% BB/100 6.89 UTG VPIP 20.6% PFR 9.9% BB/100 15.47 If we were to assume there were no sample size issues and these results were "as seen", then it means we're doing something wrong on the button (and the cut off). We could be too loose We could be too aggressive We could bluff too often (overestimating our fold equity) It could be worth trying to tighten up a bit and be a bit more passive on the button :unsure
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Re: 200902W4 Benchmarking - Position So what hands should we try playing passively OTB? I rarely limp from here. I can see the case for slow playing A,A K,K even Q,Q, but what about J,J or 10,10........surely not 9,9... Also, what do you do if you limp with A,K...the flop comes down with three undercards and someone bets?

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Re: 200902W4 Benchmarking - Position

So what hands should we try playing passively OTB? I rarely limp from here. I can see the case for slow playing A,A K,K even Q,Q, but what about J,J or 10,10........surely not 9,9... Also, what do you do if you limp with A,K...the flop comes down with three undercards and someone bets?
I'm more likely to limp OTB with the likes of JJ, TT and 99 than AA-QQ. I dont want to play AA-QQ multi way. I'm unlikely to limp AK in an unraised pot (the strength of AK is in its fold equity) So what hands would I limp OTB and in what circumstances? The kind of situation I'm looking for to limp is when I have a drawing hand and two limpers before me. JJ-99 can be treated as drawing hands, as well as any lower pairs (hoping to flop a set). Suited connectors can be good. I think from the steal thread we can be pretty confident that you should seldom, if ever, be open limping from the button.
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