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Correct strategy when playing live tourney with newbies?


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Tomorrow night we'll have a NLTH tournament at work. An estimated number of 10 people will play, start stack 2000, 20 minute blinds. We will probably start with 2 tables and make a final table when we are down to 8 players. 2 or maybe 3 are playing ok poker, the rest have absolutely no clue about poker theory, some of them are playing TH for the first time. The question is how to handle this? Probably can forget about any bluffs or other "fancy" plays. Tight-aggressive play should pay off? Any ideas? :unsure

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Re: Correct strategy when playing live tourney with newbies? first off moved this to strategy:ok as for advice ,think you should get a good idea of their strategy/lack of pretty quickly. usually newbies are a bit more of an open book as to their play,usually they come in 3 categorys. 1 ultra tight-these guys you can bluff but you dont need to bet big if you do,so cont bets(unless of course you dont want them to fold;))usually do the trick ,as often as possible. 2 loose passive-if they play most pots and its likely you can limp in then do so,you should be able to outplay them post flop:hope. 3 mega aggressive-usually all in every hand or massively overbetting, wait for a monster and hope to catch them(as michela proved at the pl do this doesnt always work and you might get donked:tongue2) in general try to play small ball poker if possible ,then you should gain more advantage and are less likely to get donked. good luck:hope

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Re: Correct strategy when playing live tourney with newbies? I play a home game with my mates every few weeks and they are of a similar vein. They all limp into almost every hand unless they have real bilge, but they will call my raises with any two broadway cards or an Ace (just because it is me). Uber is right, keep it small ball. You can outplay them post flop, where they will normally play fairly straight-forward. I've always found that they may call a flop bet with a gut shot or bottom pair, but unless they improve by the turn, they have a tendency to give up.

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Re: Correct strategy when playing live tourney with newbies? I imagine Bet sizing for you is key - they wont understand odds, so you can punish them relentlessly - bet small frequently when weak (to give them the chance to fold), but without building a big pot and overbet your monsters - as already said - small ball, but make sure you remain aggressive....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Correct strategy when playing live tourney with newbies?

Come on... How did you do... or are you too ashamed to admit you got your ass kicked?????????
I knew this one would come back to haunt me... :rollin Sick evening, one guy played like a maniac, hitting runner-runner flushes and boats, gaining a huge chip lead, only to reveal after 1 hour that he had to go home :lol I was down in chips, maybe half start stack, picking up :Qc: :Qh: in CO. Short-stacked UTG raises, UTG+1 calls, i re-raise, UTG thinks and then moves all-in. UTG+1 calls, i move all-in to push out UTG+1, UTG+1 thinks for a loooooong time. then calls. UTG has :6c: :6d:, UTG+1 has :Ac: :Ks:, flop :7c: :8c: :9c: (!!!) :eek Turn :2c:, river blank, i have Q high flush but UTG+1 takes it all with Ace high flush... Great evening though, one of the guys almost setting of the fire alarm (we were at the office) when popping popcorns in the microwave :lol
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Re: Correct strategy when playing live tourney with newbies? had a couple of fun hands vs newbies in the local game me and hen play.thought i'd put em up,they are crackers:D hand 1 3rd hand ,so not much real info vs the newbie.blinds 25/50 5000 starting stack he's utg and limped (as he's done every hand so far),another limper(regular player who's okay) in mid pos . i have aq otb and raise it to 250,newbie calls ,reg folds. flop comes a j 7 rainbow he checks, i bet 400 he calls turn is a 4 he bets 500 ,i'm a bit worried but call. river is a king again he bets 500, again i'm worried but with about 2500 in i have to call. he then turns over q9:loldont think he could have played it worse if he tried,he even said i'm not very good at this:rollin:rollin for a moment i thought he had the straight tho:unsure next one vs newbie no2 i'm on about 7k he's on 9k after getting lucky on an all in.blinds 100/200 i'm in the sb with 56 2 players limp in late position, i call ,newbie in the bb checks. flop comes 668 with 2 clubs. i check newbie bets 500 ,button calls i reraise to 1500. newbie calls, button folds. turn 3 not clubs i bet 3000, he reraises all in:loon at this point i'm worried he has a better 6 or fh but i have to call with such a big pot and only about 3k left. he turns ak os:loon:loon:loon it was pretty obvious i would be calling so again a pretty daft play. thing is if either hand i had worse pot odds etc i might have folded against a decent player but against a newbie the usual betting patterns don't really apply

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