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i know we want them in the hand but


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a couple of hands against weemarie, BossMedia Game #1460132480: Table Table TH 319 - €0.05/€0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:32:28 - 2009/02/15 Seat 2: D00MTRAIN (€4.17) Seat 3: weemarie (€1.68) Seat 4: anripotter (€8.75) Seat 5: klakis (€9.79) Seat 1: lukas9 (€5.77) klakis posts the small blind of €0.05 lukas9 posts the big blind of €0.10 anripotter is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to D00MTRAIN [Ah Jh] D00MTRAIN raises €0.35 weemarie calls €0.35 anripotter folds klakis folds lukas9 folds *** FLOP *** [Ks 7h 9h] D00MTRAIN bets €0.85 weemarie goes all-in with €1.33 D00MTRAIN calls €1.33 *** TURN *** [Ks 7h 9h] [Tc] *** RIVER *** [Ks 7h 9h Tc] [9c] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot €3.34 | Rake €0.17 Board: [Ks 7h 9h Tc 9c] D00MTRAIN won (€0.00), mucks lukas9 won (€0.00), mucks weemarie won (€3.34), showed [Th Qs] anripotter won (€0.00), mucks klakis won (€0.00), mucks BossMedia Game #1460116298: Table Table TH 319 - €0.05/€0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:23:36 - 2009/02/15 Seat 1: lukas9 (€6.07) Seat 2: D00MTRAIN (€4.95) Seat 3: weemarie (€2.09) Seat 4: anripotter (€9.20) Seat 5: klakis (€8.20) lukas9 posts the small blind of €0.05 D00MTRAIN posts the big blind of €0.10 klakis is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to D00MTRAIN [9h 9s] weemarie calls €0.10 anripotter folds klakis calls €0.10 lukas9 folds D00MTRAIN checks *** FLOP *** [Jh 5h 8d] D00MTRAIN bets €0.35 weemarie calls €0.35 klakis folds *** TURN *** [Jh 5h 8d] [3h] D00MTRAIN checks weemarie checks *** RIVER *** [Jh 5h 8d 3h] [Ac] D00MTRAIN checks weemarie checks *** SUMMARY *** Total pot €1.00 | Rake €0.05 Board: [Jh 5h 8d 3h Ac] lukas9 won (€0.00), mucks D00MTRAIN won (€0.00), showed [9h 9s] weemarie won (€1.00), showed [Ks Ad] anripotter won (€0.00), mucks klakis won (€0.00), mucks

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Re: i know we want them in the hand but Hand one - 75% - 25% Nothing special. He pushed on an inside straight draw, but you were drawing as well. Hand two - 100% Your own fault for not protecting your hand by betting. "Thou shalt not give free cards"

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Re: i know we want them in the hand but Try this one for size if you want to complain:- He calls a 4bb raise and then a 12bb raise with King Ten off and rivers a flush !:loon BossMedia Game #1460008758: Table Table TH 693 - €0.05/€0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:22:38 - 2009/02/15 Seat 1: JulioArca (€14.57) Seat 5: sampo46 (€4.94) Seat 3: MR. DH (€10.56) Seat 4: Butcher_1 (€11.40) sampo46 posts the small blind of €0.05 JulioArca posts the big blind of €0.10 Butcher_1 is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to JulioArca [Ac Ah] MR. DH raises €0.40 Butcher_1 folds sampo46 calls €0.40 JulioArca raises €1.20 MR. DH folds sampo46 calls €1.20 *** FLOP *** [Kd 4d 6d] sampo46 bets €2.10 JulioArca raises €4.20 sampo46 goes all-in with €3.74 *** TURN *** [Kd 4d 6d] [7d] *** RIVER *** [Kd 4d 6d 7d] [8d] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot €9.77 | Rake €0.51 Board: [Kd 4d 6d 7d 8d] JulioArca won (€0.00), showed [Ac Ah] MR. DH won (€0.00), mucks Butcher_1 won (€0.00), mucks sampo46 won (€9.77), showed [Td Kh]

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Re: i know we want them in the hand but That Mr.DH was getting on my nerves yesterday - he was on every single table and seemed to be targeting me - every time I (just me - noone else) raised he'd reraise...Should have been easy money - but in our lifetime against one another, I've beat him 53 times for €8.67 and he's beat me 55 times for €18.75 .... still now I've got his number, the next time we meet I'll collar the bast'd :tongue2

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Re: i know we want them in the hand but A couple from me, i couldn't believe he called my all in in the first hand, i think was 85% favourite, admitadley i don't know what the other guy had, trips maybe. The second hand was just ridiculous, he had a 1.5% chance to tie and did, felt like i had actually lost the hand, well $0.16 in rake anyway! BossMedia Game #1440049101: Table Table TH 324 - €0.05/€0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:59:19 - 2009/02/03 Seat 2: b0Gai (€8.07) Seat 4: PLdave488 (€12.52) Seat 3: T1h14k0 (€9.90) Seat 1: JAK74 (€3.12) Seat 5: the_cow (€5.41) b0Gai posts the small blind of €0.05 T1h14k0 posts the big blind of €0.10 JAK74 is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLdave488 [9s As] PLdave488 raises €0.40 the_cow calls €0.40 JAK74 folds b0Gai folds T1h14k0 calls €0.40 *** FLOP *** [8s 9d 2s] T1h14k0 checks PLdave488 bets €0.80 the_cow raises €2.93 T1h14k0 calls €2.93 PLdave488 goes all-in with €12.12 the_cow goes all-in with €5.01 T1h14k0 goes all-in with €9.50 *** TURN *** [8s 9d 2s] [7d] *** RIVER *** [8s 9d 2s 7d] [3c] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot €24.00 | Rake €1.26 Board: [8s 9d 2s 7d 3c] JAK74 won (€0.00), mucks b0Gai won (€0.00), mucks T1h14k0 won (€24.00), showed [5s 6s] PLdave488 won (€0.00), showed [9s As] the_cow won (€0.00), mucks BossMedia Game #1442520779: Table Table TH 13 - €0.05/€0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:55:34 - 2009/02/04 Seat 3: Ice Bear (€11.39) Seat 4: PLdave488 (€9.13) Seat 5: marutzul19 (€9.90) Seat 1: nico78kss (€5.66) Seat 2: Nuuppis (€17.78) marutzul19 posts the small blind of €0.05 nico78kss posts the big blind of €0.10 PLdave488 is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLdave488 [Ks 5s] Nuuppis calls €0.10 Ice Bear calls €0.10 PLdave488 calls €0.10 marutzul19 folds nico78kss checks *** FLOP *** [5h 5d Kc] nico78kss bets €0.70 Nuuppis folds Ice Bear folds PLdave488 calls €0.70 *** TURN *** [5h 5d Kc] [6h] nico78kss bets €1.60 PLdave488 goes all-in with €8.33 nico78kss goes all-in with €4.86 *** RIVER *** [5h 5d Kc 6h] [Kd] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot €11.00 | Rake €0.57 Board: [5h 5d Kc 6h Kd] nico78kss won (€5.50), showed [8s Kh] Ice Bear won (€0.00), mucks PLdave488 won (€5.50), showed [Ks 5s] marutzul19 won (€0.00), mucks

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