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200902W3 Benchmarking - Continuation Betting


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Re: 200902W3 Benchmarking - Continuation Betting Also remember - cbets, at this level dont have to be large. Most players pay little attention to bet sizing, so the act of betting into them is more important (to them) then the size of your bets - my recomendation would therefore be to keep cbets reasonably small (unless you've hit - again, players at this level dont notice patterns in bet sizing - so you can bet small when weak and bet big when strong).

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Re: 200902W3 Benchmarking - Continuation Betting I now cbet the flop a lot less than when I first began, as I always seemed to get the call (as opposed to Gafs min raise findings). However, after a pflop raise and a missed flop, I find that a checked flop and a cbet on the turn (is that what they call floating ?) pays far better

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Re: 200902W3 Benchmarking - Continuation Betting I tried smaller bets when I missed and larger bets when I had connected and I think it worked out pretty well. Obviously the 158 hands I played today aren't a massive sample but I can definitely see the thinking behind it. Player#1 - I think floating is calling a bet with the intention of bluffing on a later street.

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Re: 200902W3 Benchmarking - Continuation Betting One thing to note about c-betting, is that your c-bets will normally get more respect against multiple opponents (although this is obviously counteracted by the fact that one or more will have something). I find that betting about 1/2 pot normally gets the job done against 2 opponents, whereas about 2/3 is required heads up. Obviously, you've got to take into account the board texture, as you don't want to be giving people good drawing odds/c-betting into flops where you have no chance of forcing the fold (assuming you want that).

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Re: 200902W3 Benchmarking - Continuation Betting

One thing to note about c-betting, is that your c-bets will normally get more respect against multiple opponents (although this is obviously counteracted by the fact that one or more will have something). I find that betting about 1/2 pot normally gets the job done against 2 opponents, whereas about 2/3 is required heads up. Obviously, you've got to take into account the board texture, as you don't want to be giving people good drawing odds/c-betting into flops where you have no chance of forcing the fold (assuming you want that).
Really? I thought the opposite was true. i.e. a continuation bet versus multiple opponents had to be bigger, or you run the risk of the first player to respond calling and then the rest calling because they are getting pot odds.
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Re: 200902W3 Benchmarking - Continuation Betting I don't think there's any right or wrong way to c-bet, just my personal experience is that a 1/2 pot bet often gets the pot against multiple opponents, and doesn't against 1 opponent. Obviously if you've got a hand you want to protect against a draw, against multiple opponents, you're not betting 1/2 pot, but half the time you c-bet it's going to be a bluff/semi-bluff.

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Re: 200902W3 Benchmarking - Continuation Betting i think daves right:ok any bet with 3-4 players in should be seen as strength ,so if its a non amazing flop they will probably fold even to a 50%cbet. also because there are more players in a 50%cbet will probably be the same size or bigger as a 75% in a hu pot,doesn't alter the pot odds but should effect their decisions relative to their stack(ie do they wanna play for all of it;))

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